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Hacking on US NY 6032

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   My name is Hunter. Me and two of my friends that I have spent a bit of energy getting to buy and into the game are now getting killed in such a way that it should be easy to tell by dev's who this particular player is. I don't know how to report a hacker or even if Bohemia has the recourses to combat them. Yesterday 6/19/23 at 3:35am est. time. All three of us killed from 1/2 mile away through buildings at Stary Sabor and a few minutes ago 6/20/23 Mbvmc at 1:35am est. time. The positions and the fact that we are together, allowed us to deduce with certainty that both occasions a hacker was involved. Please advise me on anything I can do to help see these players off this server.   

  • Sad 1

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Hi guys!

i am sorry to hear about your bad experience. =(

Sadly, the only thing you can do against those cheaters is to join a community server. If a cheater dares to be as blatant as the one that killed you, he will be banned within minutes.

On Community servers, you have a active team of admins that ban cheaters, and alot of the servers also share their banlist with eachother via a mod. So when a cheater gets banned on one community server, he cant join most of them anymore. Hackers know this, and most dont even bother to play comminuty servers, or they have already been banned. So they all clump in high/fullpop Official servers, as there are no admins or banlists and Bohemia doesnt give a darn.

I highly advise you find a community server that you like and call that home from now on. I have NEVER been killed by a blatant cheater in a community server.

If you guys tell me about your preferences, i might be able to suggest a good community server to you, as i have tested quite alot of them 😄


What do you like?

Terrain: Chernarus / Livonia / Deer isle / Namalsk / Taviana

Style: PvP enabled / PvE / PvE+ (its pve with pvp at military zones)

ingame Map: yes / no

Groupsystem: yes / no

Weapons: heavy modded / lightly modded / vanilla / Alot of guns/ few guns

Trader: yes / no  / Yes with ATM

Basebuilding: Vanilla / Vanilla with electric Codelocks / DayZ Expansion / Fullcustom

Raiding: Vanilla / Vanilla with higher raid requirements / Breachingcharge+Chainsaw


I am sure you can and will find the perfect server. And once you found one.... Hackers wont be a problem anymore.


Edited by LennyS-cbe65eb8a29b70ab

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Hi LennyS,
As a new player I'd be interested in all vanilla so it's more familiar. What mods provide better gameplay in your opinion?

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I contacted battle-eye as well and linked this post. Who ever is doing their loss projections over having hackers in where new player all flock to, to start, is showing the wrong analytics. I think battle-eye is playing both sides. There are a ton of auto ban triggers that can be established. 



I could do ingame map. or not

no group

standard gun loot

no traders

standard base build with key codes

raiding standard.

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10 hours ago, TonFrantic_DayZ said:

Hi LennyS,
As a new player I'd be interested in all vanilla so it's more familiar. What mods provide better gameplay in your opinion?

Heyho! 😃

That all depends what you think is "better gameplay". 

Some like having a ingame map and markers.....  But it completly takes away the aspect of "orientating and navigating the map". You just put a marker at a military and sprint towards that marker till your there.

Some people like "infinite stamina" as you can travel the map alot faster! But it turns PvP into "who flanks the flank the flankiest" and "Fullsprint zigzagging across a field". Not having unlimited stamina slows down the pvp quite a bit, makes it more tactical and you have to think twice if you really want to cross that big field. Also if you dont have stamina you dont need to bother how heavy your gear is.... so everyone will run around with a million items, looking like a tank.

Some people like Groupsystem, because it makes playing with your friends soooo much easier, as you wont constantly loose eachother. The flipside is, that you barely meet any solo players anymore, because everyone is running around in groups.

Some like heavy modded guns and armor.... But it completly devalues the guns that are not "overpowered modded". Some servers have crazy armor, where one can survive 8+ shots of a aks without any problem... which just feels off for me.

Some like Traders, as you start to develop a whole economy on the server and you have easy acces to good guns/outifts/cars, yada yada. But it also means that there is very little incentive to roam around smaller towns when the server has been running for a few weeks... When you die, you just run to your base,  grab a bit of cash, go to trader and you are fully geared again. Which can get boring rather fast.

There is jus a few mods that are improving gameplay without a doubt.  The first one is the Codelock mod, as vanilla locks can be cracked in a few minutes. Second is Buildingmods like DayZ Expansion and "Buildanywhere mod". And lastly you have the Storagemod MMG, it just adds a few nice crates that you can craft from planks and nails.

Most mods try and make it easier for the player, but at the same time they change the dynamic of DayZ immensly. Wether you like this change is up to you.



Here is my suggestions for you

1)  "basically vanilla"    Basically vanilla has map/groupsystem/unlimited stamina/codelock, but other than that it doesnt have any meaningfull mods. The gunloot is.... not high, but a bit higher than vanilla for sure.

2) "KarmaKrew"  KarmaKrew is my personal favorite server. No groupsystem and no map. The gunloot is comparable to vanilla levels, altho there are a few modded guns, most of them are low calibre WW2 guns. Cars despawn after 4 hours of not being used, and they spawn ready to drive. If you wander around the map, chances of you finding a working car that you can use for the day are pretty high.

or3) "the saviors" This server is vanilla when it comes to the items, but they changed the map quite a bit. And there is guns.... alot of guns.... everywhere.  Its a pretty cool server to just spawn in berezino and go guns blazing on some people.


or 4) If you want something more custom, i can suggest the "Aftermath" servers.  They have modded guns/armor/trader/map/groupsystem. On this server you can buy a "starterbase kit" for as little as.... oh gosh... i think its 8k dollars. If you kill a few deers and sell the meat you have 8k in no time and can start building your base after just a few hours of playing! For a bit of casual gaming, and learning the game, this might actually be perfect.


Id say go with basically vanilla when you want/need a map and groupsystem. If you dont need it and you are here for the vanilla experience, choose the KarmaKrew servers! They seem to provide the best experience... atleast for me. If you want some fast paced, "lootup-> buy a BMW -> build a small base" kind of server, go for the Aftermath servers.

But be aware! alot of experienced players play there, compared to officials, where mostly new players play. If you are not cautious youll find yourself tied up and naked on the floor faster than you can think. 😉


Good luck.

Edited by LennyS-cbe65eb8a29b70ab

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9 hours ago, lanierrobert88 said:

I contacted battle-eye as well and linked this post. Who ever is doing their loss projections over having hackers in where new player all flock to, to start, is showing the wrong analytics. I think battle-eye is playing both sides. There are a ton of auto ban triggers that can be established. 



I could do ingame map. or not

no group

standard gun loot

no traders

standard base build with key codes

raiding standard.

100% go for the KarmaKrew server.  Just all around a server where the admins have put ALOT of thinking into. Its the closes experience to "true vanilla", in terms of loot and gunbalancing, that you will find, that also has a healthy playerbase.

They are running "seasonal Chernarus".   During winter the map is "winter chernarus". Right now its "summer chernarus". 

They have custom and moving "points of interest". Similar to helicrash and traincrash sites that vanilla has. You now have big roadblocks that appear in random locations. You have gipsy camps that change location, yada yada. Theres just so much to explore. I probably havent even seen everything there is.

They also have alot of restricitions which completly lock out your average DayZ cheater. Your steamacc needs to be older than 31 dayz for example. Your profile must be public and without a VAC ban on it, regardless of what game you got VAC´d.  Its just a well thoughtout server.

And the server runs smooth as butter! no desynch, no crases, nothing! i havent even desynched in a car yet. No clue how they do it.

The gunbalancing is on point! if you are lucky you can find a aks on NWAF, but most of the time you need to look for helicrashsites or go to tisy to find the good stuff. Stary and below, you will be happy if you have a shotgun. The gunbalance is SPOT ON.

(And be aware of the wolves and bears! there is ALOT of wildlife and zombies on the server!)


Good luck!

Edited by LennyS-cbe65eb8a29b70ab

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KarmaKrew sounds good, however it's Germany and I'm on west coast, a bit too much ping. Big thanks for the tips anyway!

We've started yesterday on Almost Vanilla Fallen Refuge|PVP|3P|Loot+|Guns+|Map|Stam+|Party, so far ok, but it's much less hardcore (starter kit, infinite sprint, map) which I personally dislike, but it's playable.

Can you recommend any other US vanilla style servers?

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10 hours ago, TonFrantic_DayZ said:

KarmaKrew sounds good, however it's Germany and I'm on west coast, a bit too much ping. Big thanks for the tips anyway!

We've started yesterday on Almost Vanilla Fallen Refuge|PVP|3P|Loot+|Guns+|Map|Stam+|Party, so far ok, but it's much less hardcore (starter kit, infinite sprint, map) which I personally dislike, but it's playable.

Can you recommend any other US vanilla style servers?

Yikes.... sorry :D

uhm..... there was "Grey man" servers.... but i think they shut down temporarly.

Sadly, American serverhost´s like their heavily modded servers. (no offense, ofc!) There isnt many "vanilla like" servers in the US that have a healthy population. Most servers have atleast unlimited stamina and a map.

But id rather have a few mods that i dont like, than being "instakilled" by a cheater. :D



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17 hours ago, LennyS-cbe65eb8a29b70ab said:

Most servers have atleast unlimited stamina and a map.

Yeah, I noticed. Says a lot about state of things in US 😅 I wonder what happed to the boy scout culture.

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