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I hate the flu in DayZ. Terribly annoying thing in the game, can't avoid it, can't get rid of it. Well, in theory you can find medicine and vitamins, but it's all about chance and you'll get the flu back quickly anyway.

But ok, I learned to play with it. Using a balanced drinking regimen, the character survives. Health does not decrease. But after the last update of the game, in case of flu, health will start to decrease. And even if I have, I'm not thirsty or hungry. Is this really the case or am I doing something wrong? Does the flu, which in reality cannot be avoided, mean automatic death? I don't deal with medicines, as I already wrote, finding them is a huge coincidence, even in a hospital.

I'm going to stop playing DayZ, because this is past the point where the fun ends and frustration begins.

I am sorry for my bad English.

Edited by Tomas254

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Tip 1: watch the Wobo video about health keeping on youtube.

Tip 2: your drink and food level should always be close to the maximum.

With a full bottle AND apple symbol you won`t get sick anymore! (execpt you are sprinting through the rain for hours)

Tip 3: A simple cold can be cured with multivitamine!

Tip 4: fresh from the boat, your first way should be always the next clear water source. drink until the bottle is FULL! then search for food and warm clothes.

Tip 5: You should definitely use the ability to craft improvised handshoes and a facemask to stay warm( and not to become sick because of bloody hands).

hope that helps a bit.


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I very rarely get sick 🤒

Keep: Dry, Hydrated, Fed and don’t stay cold for too long.

A lot of wind indicates a cold windy day, most of the time.

Craft a torch to run around with in the rain, keeps body temperature up.

Keep moving when cold and wet, keeps you from going hypothermic.

Wear Clothing that helps provide good insulation or wetness protection, I usually have a top that does one and pants that does the other to mitigate being either completely soaked and cold.

If other survivors are coughing near you get stay away from them and wear a mask or encourage them to do so, DayZ mimics real life transmission of illness through the air.

Don’t eat opened food nor drink water from unknown sources; only rain water, wells or boiled water is safe if you don’t have chlorine tabs. 


Edited by WOLVERlNES

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