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Buzzo (DayZ)

Give 3DP Off a Try

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* First off, I'm not bashing anyone who wants to play third person. Have at it! *

A friendly suggestion for new players, especially ones who enjoy a challenge - seek out a 3DP:off server. As someone who got my feet wet playing with third person enabled, I was floored at how much more difficult and immersive the game is when you are locked in first person view. Warning: navigating through zombies is significantly more difficult, but your heart will race when you know the zombies are right on your trail, but you can't quiet see them over your shoulder.

The other benefit is that you avoid the stalking "exploits" prevalent in PVP on 3DP servers. Look, the game is supposed to be tough and this makes it tougher. At least give it a chance and play one or two sessions on a 3DP:off server and see how you like it.

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I prefer it anyway. However, sometimes when the character gets stuck, a change of perspective is needed to get him out of a situation. For example, in the supermarket, crawling can sometimes get you trapped, so switching to another view allows you to move on.

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I am using 3DP when runing from point A to point B. when shooting I allways use 1st person

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I think players who enjoy horror and play this for the experience rather than as a metagame MMORPG will love third person off.

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The problem I have with 3DP off is that it really doesn't reflect the real life kind of view that we have. I don't know, I seem like my vision is way too limited for fluid movement. In RL I'm much more aware of my surroundings than I would be in dayz.

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The problem I have with 3DP off is that it really doesn't reflect the real life kind of view that we have. I don't know' date=' I seem like my vision is way too limited for fluid movement. In RL I'm much more aware of my surroundings than I would be in dayz.


Yes, definitely. For me, this trade-off is important. I would rather limit my view than to increase it ten-fold, and be able to see over walls, buildings, bushes, out of grass when prone. Essentially, I can see others when they can't see me. That is the issue. Frequent use of Free look (ALT) makes first person very enjoyable. I do see a lot of youtube videos where people seem to completely forget how important the free look function is.

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I alway play on Veteran server with Chros and 3DP of or take Expert server. Its awesome !

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Yes' date=' definitely. For me, this trade-off is important. I would rather limit my view than to increase it ten-fold, and be able to see over walls, buildings, bushes, out of grass when prone. Essentially, I can see others when they can't see me. That is the issue. Frequent use of Free look (ALT) makes first person very enjoyable. I do see a lot of youtube videos where people seem to completely forget how important the free look function is.


Yeah that's a very good point. This game is all about immersion, I guess 3DP takes a hell of a lot of it away. I love crawling through 6+ zombies having to listen to carefully to their moans so that they don't all go crazy on me, since I can only see one or two, and there is a shitload of grass in my face :P

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The problem I have with 3DP off is that it really doesn't reflect the real life kind of view that we have. I don't know' date=' I seem like my vision is way too limited for fluid movement. In RL I'm much more aware of my surroundings than I would be in dayz.


Totally agree Trooper. I posted a similar thought on my Clan's site in response to a post titled "Stop exploiting 3P!". Here's what I said:

Don't know anything about an exploit, but I think 3P should be allowed. IRL, I have perfect vision and relatively good peripheral vision. In game, I would lose the peripheral in 1P. I don't think that 3P takes away from realism. Besides peripheral vision, my hearing would allow me to better detect and react to a zombie near me. But the sounds (specifically sound direction and volume) in DayZ aren't always accurate. I just think that 3P compensates for some of those things that I would normally be able to do IRL (assuming I was in a Zombie infested country called Chernarus, in-real-life).

I would be willing to play without 3P if the HUD would tell me what direction a sound is coming from and give me a visual indicator if something would normally be in my peripheral vision.

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I would be willing to play without 3P if the HUD would tell me what direction a sound is coming from and give me a visual indicator if something would normally be in my peripheral vision.

There's such an indicator. It's those white dots/spheres on the edge of the screen. They work for zombies/animals from an amazing distance, players not so much.

I really prefer first person. The only time I switch to third person is running around with free view on. On first person, it's easy to forget what direction you are looking, or end up running against a tree for a bit.

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I have to play in 3rd personn because playing in 1st person makes me sick after 5 to 10 minutes. I have the same with 1st person shooters so it is not for me.

But I do agree 1st person adds to the immersion.

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I use TrackIR, and thus first person is really epic.

I look left irl, and then my charactor looks left and I see that hacker with a Bradley about to run me over... AMAZING!

People should get TrackIR 5, it costs a pretty penny but is well worth it.

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Give me fov 110 and maybe I'll try permanent FP view, currently the FP view is like wearing blinders to me. Also somehow in ARMA 2 moving inside of buildings or narrow obstacles with FP view is horrible, so I prefer to be able to switch between both to my liking.

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I have to play in 3rd personn because playing in 1st person makes me sick after 5 to 10 minutes. I have the same with 1st person shooters so it is not for me.

But I do agree 1st person adds to the immersion.

Turn the headbob down to 1 above 0.

I play 3rd person because I want to. If a server turns it off, it removes my choice. I don't play where I don't have a choice.

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The problem I have with 3DP off is that it really doesn't reflect the real life kind of view that we have. I don't know' date=' I seem like my vision is way too limited for fluid movement. In RL I'm much more aware of my surroundings than I would be in dayz.


Press "-" to increase FOV. 2x to toggle.

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Try staying in first person while navigating terrain in prone position and you'll quickly change your mind.

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Try staying in first person while navigating terrain in prone position and you'll quickly change your mind.

Pro-Tip when lying prone in first person - do a 360° turn to flatten the grass around you. I prefer to be able to choose asd I feel it fits the situation, both camera view have their pro and contra.

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Fucking Awesome! Thanks Soldier of Failure - I just watched a youtube video on it. Gonna buy it!

I use TrackIR' date=' and thus first person is really epic.

I look left irl, and then my charactor looks left and I see that hacker with a Bradley about to run me over... AMAZING!

People should get TrackIR 5, it costs a pretty penny but is well worth it.


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Sure- if weapon models & reload animations were better/cleaner. right now, 1st is way too clunky to me even with head bob off. I only use 1st in tight spaces and iron sights.

I prefer to travel with 3rd when trekking or sneaking. I just ask others to respect how people want to view the game- when they ask to respect how they want to play the game. ( being a cold blooded bandit, ect )

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