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Hey all,

Anyone figured out yet how many bullets it takes to take out players? Yesterday I pumped at least 3 bullets (M4A3 CCO) in someones chest at pretty much point blank range. I stopped firing thinking that wouldve been enough, But he returned fire and I emptied the rest of the clip in him, we both died.

On other occasions, I’ve 1 shotted players with the M14, either 1 hit kill or bleeding out very shortly. It feels a bit off for some reason, especially the 5.56mm ammo I pumped in the guys chest 3 times :S

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5.56mm ammo is extremely weak in the ArmA engine

Battle rifles(such as the M14) on the other hand pack a real punch

Even a hit in the leg deals about -6000 blood, quite devastating

I would never stop firing with a 5.56 rifle unless I get a confirmed kill, chances are high that guy still has some blood left and is about to shoot you

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Was only 1 reason I only fired 3 bullets, and thats because there happened to be three I was trying to ambush solo. However instead of taking the route I predicted they came my way all spread out. 1 guy just walked right on top me, I figured 3 to the chest would kill him and still leave me with bullets to take out the other 2 :(

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