[email protected] 27 Posted July 6, 2012 So ill try to keep this brief but this is a tale of 2 lives and of booty lost & found. It also shows that maybe there is karma for your actions in day z...So ive been playing solo for about a week now & for the last few nights i'd been heading north with the intention of hitting Stary Sobor. So by the time im nearly there i'd accumulated some good gear & a sniper rifle. I was in 2 minds to just avoid the area so i didn’t lose my loot but i needed matches to complete my camping set so i decided to head in.So as i get close i hear shots near the airfield. Having a sniper i should have circled the parameter but being impatient i moved closer to the tents. I almost crawled straight into the guy that had been shooting! I back up behind a tent & type friendly. I couldn't hear movement so i thought he could be replying. Next thing though he's ran around & unloaded his AK in me. Im dead again for trying to be friendly & interact with others in the game. So this isnt butthurtedness im just telling it how it is when you try to be friendly…and it was probably my own fault anyway.So i roll a fatty & go again. Meet up with an unarmed survivor & with my axe in hand we team up to head to Balota. This is the 1st time ive been to the area & i notice 2 hangers so tell him that i think there's an airfield. As we get close to the airfield we heard shots. I could also hear talking on the mic but i couldn't tell if it was more than one person & it was really low & hard to hear. As i don’t have anything to lose i move forward anyway & climb up a ladder at the side of a control tower.Inside we find a recently deceased player & the guy im with (think he was called Gentleman J) says it looks like bandits. I say it looks like we missed the loot too. I then went down the main stairs of the tower but saw a guy prone watching the door with an AK! He looked twitchy but didn’t notice me so i turn to move back up the stairs but the guy im with still moves forward & the guy with the AK heard/saw us & tried to take a shot at us. We both legged it back upstairs & he then said sorry for shooting. I joked & said he had an itchy trigger finger. At this point i swear he says that he won’t shoot us again & he sounded apologetic. So the guy i was with moves down the stairs and, you guessed it, he got shot.I thought this was really low as all the guy had was a torch & a can of beans! I shouted down the mic that he was a dirty bastard! He then mutters something about me swearing at him. So not content with his beans & torch the shooter then tries to come up to the top of the control tower to get me! As soon as i see his head at the top of the stairs he gets chopped with my hatchet. It all goes quiet & i was unsure if he fled or if i got him. Turns out i did get him & ive hit the jackpot! I see all this gear but then remember other tales from the forum saying that people were not always dead & just KO'd. So i chop the guy another 10 times just to make sure! XDI grab all the loot as quickly as i can. I get an AK, pistol, alice pack, map, other hunting gear, water bottles & food. More or less all the stuff i had lost only a an hour or so ago. It felt like karma for my previous life & also helping the guy i was with get food etc...even though he died. I also felt that it was a justified kill for my 1st murder since I had no other choice.As im about to break out i see 2 other guys spawn in at the top of the control tower! I absolutely bricked it!!! It could have been a coincidence but im sure it was his friends coming back on to try & reclaim the gear! So i leg it back out the main stairs reloading the AK. At the point i just want to get the F out & head back the way i came in. As im running out i see one of the guys making his way down the ladder on the control tower! I let him have it with the AK but ran out of bullets...he still got down the ladder but then luckily for me he died. I grabbed a little more loot from him & broke out of the airfield with my goodies...it would have been stupid to go back to the tower & start another shoot out with the other guy i saw logging in. Under some trees i logged out before i had a cardiac arrest...it was too intense!I guess some of you shoot on sight folks could maybe learn a lesson from this. If the guy had just been cool & let us pass through we all would have stayed alive & he would still have all his gear. As he decided to act like a dick 3 people died & i got most of their stuff. :)So if you were the dudes on global gaming last night who got smoked at the Bolota air tower thanks for all the gear!!! If you tried to warn us as we approached then you need to fix your mic.Sorry for the long post but does anyone else have tales of Karma good or bad on Day Z? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
propain666 7 Posted July 6, 2012 So this isnt butthurtedness im just telling it how it is when you try to be friendly…and it was probably my own fault anyway.It was. Airfields, coastal cities and Stary Sobor are all CoD country and are best avoided unless you are interested in PvP or laying still in a bush with your scope aimed at a loot spawn "hunting your prey". ;)A nice karma experiences was meeting some random guy close to NE airfield who were out of ammo and food. Gave him some rounds for the winchester and a couple of cans. We seperate and a couple of minutes later i aggro some Zeds and since they are abit to close for my CZ i leg it. A couple of incoming shots later and the Zeds are dead by the hands of my random friend. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 38 Posted July 6, 2012 Gotta love KarmaShe da Gurl :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ultimateburger 0 Posted July 6, 2012 Stary Sobor is a weird place to head too if all you want is matches. Try Devil's Castle.Also, if you run into someone in the tents in Stary Sobor, you gotta shoot first. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grrinc 7 Posted July 6, 2012 I was crawling into large ish town with a broken leg. I hear a gunshot right next to me. I flick into 3dp mode and see someone on a tower taking pot shots at me as I crawl around. He was toying with me or a very very bad shot. I hail friendly and try asking for help. I just got a smiley face back in return. Then the stupid fool gets shot himself by someone else. His body lands across from me. Thanks for the morphine and stuff and dude!! I was out of there before the other guy showed up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
teih 36 Posted July 6, 2012 Would have loved to see the look on his face, having his fucked up sense of "fun" resoulting in the most embarrasing PvP death DayZ has to offer.I hope he raged, I hope he raged hard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites