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ps4 server lag since 1.20

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Has anyone else experienced huge server lag on all playstation servers since 1.20? I am on ps4 which always had slight lag, but since update the game has been unplayable. Buildings don't show even when inside and pop up just gets stuck, especially in towns and cities. There was no lag difference on 1.19.

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Since 1.20 the lag has been unreal for me on PS5. In 1.19 i could go hours without even the slightest bit of lag on a good day and up to 30 sec lagspikes on a bad day and only while driving, never on foot. In 1.20 i have seen lagspikes lasting up to 7 minutes and they're very frequent. It also lags while on foot. The game is virtually unplayable in this state and needs to be fixed ASAP.

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I have rented a server for my friends and I who are more interested in PvE with minimal modifications.  We recently revisited DayZ because of the updates since the last we played and were taken aback by the horrible "lag spikes" while driving.  ....a problem that was resolved long ago for us when we had upgraded to external SSD's and then, eventually PS5's.  We are sorely disappointed by this set back as the problem is like it was back when we were on PS4's with internal HDDs and freezes that would last 10-20 seconds.  In fact, the freezes are actually worse now and more frequent. 

Last night I crashed several times because of lag and the duration was (at times) 30 seconds or more.  What's funny is that the night started out "ok".  ....not good, but "ok" with frequent stutters.  You literally have to drive ~20 KPH or less to avoid serious injury.  Damage is still possible and we actually 2 tires and had to repair them twice (each) before the night was through.  It's at the point where a somewhat fun session was completely ruined by this problem.  .....and to think I'm paying for it with the server rental.

There is really no excuse for this IMO.  They always seem to break something with new updates.  It feels like one step forward and then two steps back.  

It's my understanding that the problem becomes a problem due to the fact that vehicles are handled server-side vs. locally?  ....and that it wasn't always this way (i.e. ARMA2).  The external SDD had an impact on performance as did the PS5 which made a huge difference.  What changed with the latest update(s) to cause this?

I submitted a trouble ticket but as usual, I have never heard anything back.  Hell, I'm even willing to help any way I can if it can assist in determining the problem.  It's not my internet as it's never changed and in fact is fast than ever with >300+/11+ speeds (rental server is local).  If this persists, I will let this month's rental lapse and take another siesta for several months (perhaps permanent this time).   .....it's come to the point of being that "game-breaking" now which is a real shame as we really enjoy this game.

To add insult to injury, servers now cost $16 vs. $13 when I last rented one.  Not much but certainly not worth it for what is essentially a broken game.


Edited by Kean__1

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