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Surrender - Revolutionizing the Bandit Industry :P

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Imagine you're holed up in some sort of hidey hole, driven in by a series of bandits, whom now have you surrounded. You have the testicular fortitude to stay in the server until the conflict dissolves, however, the situation looks grim, if you fight, you will die, if you run, you will die. You hear over direct chat an offer to come out and surrender, allowing them free pickings over your loot in exchange for your life. You agree. And you, scared out of your mind slowly walk out of your hiding place, Weapon lowered, and enter surrender mode.

You have two automatic weapons and a fifty cal pointed at you while a pointman slowly approaches, looks at your weapons on the ground, checks your inventory and backpack, takes what he wants, and takes a position to cover you. Another one of them approaches and takes some tools. There is another that you didn't see before, who only has a 1911, who comes and takes your primary and ammo.

The rest stay still, evidently they were told what you had and decided they didn't need it. The one who talked to you before says that you are free to go, and that if you want to pick up the pistol they left you, that you must wait until they are out of sight, and if they see you do it beforehand, you will be shot.

You wait, and they leave. You pick up your gun, you still have most of your stuff left, no compass, but a map, hatchet, and matches. Much better than starting fresh on the bean coast eh?

TL;DR Full surrender/drop weapons option, It would not detract from the game, it WOULD add to the game, Yes players might shoot you while surrendered, but surrendering is a last resort, when you're sure you would have died anyway.


With that said, my murder count means next to nothing for me (not totally true, outplaying other experienced players feels good, and having a record of it is cool). This idea would be down the road, if players cease to be able to abort out of combat. Anyway, I had this idea, based on the surrender animation I found in my controls, unbound. \

Unfortunately, this bind lasts about a quarter of a second of actually putting your hands up.

What if it actually did something. What if, it made you kneel, drop your weapons (both primary and secondary) on the ground in front of you, and made it so other players could loot you as if you were dead, going through both your backpack and on hand inventory.

What if looting a player like this had its own meter in the debug menu, "Thefts" and subtracted karma just like a murder, although less at a time.

What if shooting a player who is in this surrendered state counted for extremely bad karma.

What if this surrender state would be canceled at any time by moving, opening your pack, or interacting via a context menu

what if made for a different, and also satisfying bandit experience, where overwhelming a player, forcing him into submission, having the option to rob him and leave him alive, or execute him, him not knowing whether you would do either, or what you will leave him with.

I hear stories, I see youtube videos, I hear on forums and twitter of people getting robbed by bands of bandits who leave them alive to their devices. I'd like to see a mechanic to facilitate this type of behavior. Do I think EVERYONE will leave people who surrender alive? No, of course not.

Do I think people will shoot a surrendered player in the face, just because?


Do I think it could lead to some very interesting situations? Oh hell yes.

That's what this game is about, those offhand moments when the stars align and events go together in a certain way that makes for an amazing experience.

I've overwhelmed and robbed exactly one person without killing them, using superior numbers, and restraint on our part. He cooperated by not disconnecting, and it was awesome. I don't know if I'll ever be able to do it again with the game in its current form. But hey, maybe the chance letting someone keep their day's survived is enough incentive to make them stay in game to see the situation play out. Maybe it can lead to a diversion and flank situation. Who knows. I think adding the mechanic would cause enough situations that would have gone differently in the game's current state to justify the work going into it. I don't think there's any real downside to the mechanic.

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It's the same as sitting and double clicking on your gear, no?

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As soon as the DC exploits are fixed, so that people are forced to play the game properly, then this would be a magical feature ;)

Robberies already occur, and the lower-weapon, sit and salute commands are helpful, but a dedicated surrender button would help armed robbery become a mainstream activity (in place of murder), instead of a wonderful (but too often theoretical) novelty.

If morality is ever re-implemented in a meaningful way, then this would be a great addition, as robbery isn't anywhere near as immoral as killing, but serves the same purpose of keeping yourself alive.

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Haha screw that I would go down shooting my last bullet. Even if I do end up dieing maybe I will take one of them with me. :D

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I like this man's thinking.

Why thank you. According to your signature you like to make friends? Which home server do you like play on. *Not to get off topic here*

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PLEASE DO NOTE THIS. (Yes caps so you don't miss that)

The surrender animation only lasts for a split of a second with at least the PRIMARY equipped. It makes it abort somehow, for some reason. I did not test it with a pistol, but without any drawn weapon, it does work in a "loop". You cannot really move though. Something similar may be nice, perhaps.

But still peeps. Try it without primary. It should work then.

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+1 for the idea, I like the idea of people sticking out a bad situation rather than hearing a gunshot and going to join another server.

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