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State of 1.20 Update

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Dear Survivors,
We released Update 1.20 this week. As we are getting a lot of feedback on issues, we would like to update you on the hot topics below.
If you would like to comment on those topics, please, pick one related ticket on Feedback tracker (mentioned in Spoiler) and comment under the opened ticket.
The team is aware of the issues and solving them is our priority.

We expect to solve these issues through multiple hotfixes, with the first aimed to be released next week.

Console Combine blocker
Identified the issue and has been fixed with Hotfix 1

Items stacking on Community Server Console (Json file issue)
Identified the issue and has been fixed with Hotfix 1. However, Spawning objects with _DE-suffix by Object Spawner can result in them being duplicated with every server restart  - the team is testing a fix internally

Feedback tracker links:

Sprinting on Community Servers
identified the issue and has been fixed with Hotfix 1

Feedback tracker links:

M1025 Gear box
☑️The issue is being looked into

Feedback tracker links:

Exiting M1025 causes character to phase through terrain (Community servers)
☑️The issue is being looked into

Feedback tracker links:

  Reveal hidden contents

Characters stay on server after logging out
Identified the issue and ready for Hotfix

Feedback tracker links:

  Reveal hidden contents

* There is more tickets on the Feedback Tracker related to those topics. So If you didn´t find yours here, don´t worry, we are aware of all of them.

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