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Idea how to make killing a harder choice

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First of all as a new player i like to say this mod is really good (and even great for alpha version!). Only thing that bothers me much is number of unreasonable killing. I`m sure in zombie apocalyptic world killing another living person would be hard choice (because of fear, isolation... sleeping alone in the forest knowing that zombie can crawl any second won`t be easy alone). I rather can believe in group fights for supplies then alone murderers (I know that sick people live everywhere, but I can`t believe it`s 75% of population ;) ).

Here is actual idea, how to make killing hard choice:

Add new stat: depression (isolation, fear).

Each first kill would have 15% chance of activating depression.

More kills would activate this stat with 15% + 5%*number of killed people chance.

Effects of depression:

Random sound (zombie roar, gun shot) from random side (every 1-5min).

Maybe (50%) growing temperature (as element of fear).

Maybe (50%) faster getting tired.

Maybe (30%) a bit slower movement and a bit worst accuracy.

When depression will take longer then 6h - 5% chance to commit suicide every 1h check.

How to fight off depression:

Medicaments found in hospital (5-8% chance of spawning) - 50% of taking out depression.

Talking to people/being in group (in game chat/voice) - slowly removing depression effects.


This is good way to end fps playing like style. Player killing decisions would be much harder, which can go to more player interactions (much better for game i think).

Grouping up would be more reasonable to survive (even for bandits raiding groups).


For people who like fps play style: make this a server option, so people can decide how they want to play.

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A ice-cold killer will never have personal problems because killing others.


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A ice-cold killer will never have personal problems because killing others.

Maybe psychopathic killer won`t have. Every other will. Do you say 75% Day Z player population are sick? :> I know living alone in world full of dead can make people mental sick but as I see in postapocalyptic movies or read in books people gather more often then stay alone and kill everyone around.

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Do you say 75% Day Z player population are sick?

Currently that's the way I feel and play the game, assuming anyone I encounter who is not on my team is considered a blood lusty sociopath and shot on sight. There were times in this mod where it was different but now its resulted in "beat or be beaten" without any middle ground.

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but now its resulted in "beat or be beaten" without any middle ground.

Lukio do you like the way it is now? I presume it will end in many people go away fast being bored off another fps game.

If you don`t like it help to find a way to change the game a bit. It`s still alpha and developers are really great. Spawning ideas is highly appreciated i think :)

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A ice-cold killer will never have personal problems because killing others.


You should at least give some proper feedback rather than just making a completely generalised sweeping statement.

Interesting idea, but the fact that it is so chance based make it based completely on luck - and many people are prepared to play that chance. Also, we will always go back to the fact that many murders are from returning fire so things like 'chance to commit suicide' wouldn't work.

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Interesting idea' date=' but the fact that it is so chance based make it based completely on luck - and many people are prepared to play that chance. Also, we will always go back to the fact that many murders are from returning fire so things like 'chance to commit suicide' wouldn't work.


Thanks for feedback Aftershok.

There are no premade characters so i think chance based system is the only logical one (it would be different if you could choose character background - from psychopathic murderer to house wife :) )

Killing in defense can make someone feel guilty also. This is where you need group to tell you that it was right choice.

Maybe you have some idea how to make my idea better?

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There's a perceived "bandit problem" when really the game has just turned into kill or be killed. The game isn't full of cold-blooded remorseless killers like many people think. The game is full of suspicious people who are wary of anyone they don't know personally, which, in a survival situation is "realistic." People wised up. Who wants to risk typing out "friendly" and getting blown away, or grouping with some stranger and getting wasted after he finds a weapon? When I see another player, I don't think "Oh, he might be a bandit." I think "I'm not going to give him the chance to kill me." Personally, I just avoid people unless I get shot at.

Either way, it's pointless to argue about what would be "realistic" in this scenario, since it's never happened before. But for what it's worth, I don't think that the current state of the game is an inaccurate reflection of what the world might be like. Play smarter, stay out of sight, a little paranoia goes a long way. They deliberately included friendly-fire, they're not going to penalize people for using an intended gameplay mechanic.

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I look at this post as a try to improve the social aspect of the game.

I agree with you,i'd really like to find somebody which is not just some guy who wants to rob you when you are not looking.

These days,i can not trust anybody,as long as killing for "stuff" is just that reckless.

Playing alone is a bit frustrating to me,because it gets you to be afraid of other players even more of the zombies.

Grouping up could give an interesting point of view,like people raiding together towns or/and other groups.

That would be a lot of fun.

Just imagine if you could really simulate real life mechanics,with one leader being in charge of all the food,all the stuff...

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First your malis are far to strong.

And if u argue in the way, that people get psychologically compromised

by killing people. Why didn't they they get psychologically compromised

by seing all there friends, familly and everyone else die or getting infected?

U probably are overestimating the effect especially because people will

get tough in such a situation.

This is just another one of those punishments system that shouldn't be in

a Sandbox game.

Sure right now there is too much shoot on sight.

But this will not be solved by a punishment system that does not destroy PvP. Cause the problem is that there no reason for teamwork (Zombies are harmless and there is nothing else to do).

So there should no punishment system before that problem solved.

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I look at this post as a try to improve the social aspect of the game.

I agree with you' date='i'd really like to find somebody which is not just some guy who wants to rob you when you are not looking.

These days,i can not trust anybody,as long as killing for "stuff" is just that reckless.

Playing alone is a bit frustrating to me,because it gets you to be afraid of other players even more of the zombies.

Grouping up could give an interesting point of view,like people raiding together towns or/and other groups.

That would be a lot of fun.

Just imagine if you could really simulate real life mechanics,with one leader being in charge of all the food,all the stuff...


This is going to idea of building shelters (secure houses or even whole small villages).

Actually my idea is trying to solve bandit problem without "bandit skin". Make killing a bigger problem then just getting good weapon and right spot.

I`ve heard a lot war stories (new ones like Iraq and Afghanistan) and from my Granma, who was fighting in resistance during II WW. In hard war situation people pull trigger more often but still almost every kill stays in their memory (Rambo like people are 0.0001% of population). This is where depression idea came from.

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The first time you kill another play at least in my experience was hard. Managed to kill a guy in Stary Sobor who was trying to kill me for no reason. I remember standing over his body asking myself why he open fired on me. I took a look at his gear and saw he had some really good equipment which made it worst. Felt like I had just murdered someone as this guy had clearly been living for a long long time and lost everything he achieved in that time.

Then nearly every encounter I had with another player ended up the same. They always tried to kill me first. So now im part of a group of 10 people and we now just shoot on sight. Think of it like this. If you were living in a world where everyone and everything was out to kill you, wouldnt you shoot on sight too?

Its certainly one of the more creative suggestions iv seen on this topic but imo the pvp is fine just the way it is. You'l even find some groups that role play and even mug people on the coast.

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@Aftershok. You want good feedback? Check the thousands of other posts suggesting the same idea, before people got sick and tired of answering the same questions again and again.

@OP. No thank you. Punishing a certain playstyle is not the way we should be heading.

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Another way to try and control people from going down the path of a bandit. Face it, because people are faceless they kill without remorse and because there's either a group of them or they know everyone is doing it they feel justified. We just need a way to make death seem like the worst thing in the game whilst diverting ghosting, and a way to recognize other people whilst retaining that fear of not knowing if someone is friend or foe.

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I look at this post as a try to improve the social aspect of the game.

I agree with you' date='i'd really like to find somebody which is not just some guy who wants to rob you when you are not looking.

These days,i can not trust anybody,as long as killing for "stuff" is just that reckless.

Playing alone is a bit frustrating to me,because it gets you to be afraid of other players even more of the zombies.

Grouping up could give an interesting point of view,like people raiding together towns or/and other groups.

That would be a lot of fun.

Just imagine if you could really simulate real life mechanics,with one leader being in charge of all the food,all the stuff...


This is going to idea of building shelters (secure houses or even whole small villages).

Actually my idea is trying to solve bandit problem without "bandit skin". Make killing a bigger problem then just getting good weapon and right spot.

exactly.The thing is that if you don't give people something to work on,something they can't do it by themselves...they'll just get everything they can,no matter how many players do they have to kill!

The problem is,how to make banditism possible but not convenient,not how to make banditism impossible!

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The problem is' date='how to make banditism possible but not convenient,not how to make banditism impossible!


Exacly! I don`t want to force people playing nonbandit style, just to make sure choosing play style take some consequences.

Another way to try and control people from going down the path of a bandit.

Every aspect of this mod force you to do something - you need to eat, drink, care about heath.

Just random killing seems to have no consequences (since bandit skins are gone).

I will repeat it: I don`t want to force people to play my style of this game. I simply want to help this game not to become another fps. This mod is so great, because it feels more then fps. It`s about survival (maybe rebuild civilization in future versions).

If you have any idea how to improve social style of this game without destroying bandit play style I will gladly read it.

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We just need a way to make death seem like the worst thing in the game

I vote, for one detail, making the death cries of people you shoot a lot more realistic and depressing to listen to. Red Orchestra 2 makes me feel remorse for the people I'm mowing down. I used to in DayZ, but now I prefer to avoid other players entirely.

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So, if someone opens fire and you shoot back, killing him, you have a chance of randomly killing yourself after 1 hour? No thanks.

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Killing someone is a hard decision when you depend on others to survive. If the Devs make the game real hard, then yes, kill for sport will be rare. Currently the game is so easy that I do not depend on anyone.

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I prefer to avoid other players entirely.

The thing is so getting out of control that i am literally terrified when i see other players in the distance,you can trust nobody!

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Just some thoughts, I don't think the solution is to punish those who shoot on site. I think something needs to be done to create a more trusting atmosphere. That way, survivors can group up and will be better suited to deal with bandits.

I think taking away the beginning weapon was a step in the right direction.

Make ammo more scarce. Make military grade weaponry more scarce. I love the introduction of the double barrel. It's a POS. I think that's great. Most of the weapons should be rusty POS's. Slow RoF, ammo takes a lot of room OR is rare, slow reload... etc. How can you load a game up with sniper rifles and AK-47's with ammo laying around everywhere and NOT expect it to turn into an fps?

Fix DC'ing to get ammo back.

The decision should be.. "Should I spend a few precious rounds to drop this person?" Ammo should be good as gold.

Just some thoughts...

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I wish there was a way to combat this issue but at the current moment I dont see one. You got those people that just kill for fun complaining, those who are friendly complaining, and everyone else hiding. If you do one thing it will upset one side, do another and there goes the other. I think everyone should just assume that the other survivor is out to get him. So hide or kill them because chances are he will kill you.

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The decision should be.. "Should I spend a few precious rounds to drop this person?" Ammo should be good as gold.

This plus more zombies (or some sort zombie hordes - one shot hundreds after you) could be good solution.

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