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Hackers on US 217

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you got 2 of them right, good joke calling me a hacker when you have a hacked aks gp25 kobra in the truck you stole from me.

thanks for keeping our vehicles safe and putting the ural in the open for me to see it in a common base spot hope your head feels better in the morning :)

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Well dromag67 is not like bob there you see bob talks big but when it comes down to it he hacks over getting things legit and has to hack in ordear to play and did you really think he was working alone when i killed you at your camp and took all your stuff thank you for the 50 cals btw and the dmrs with the ammo to

Edited by Yuna of snakes
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he really did help us with those weapons kinda enjoyed using them hope you head feels better in the morning 2 buds

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OHH AND MY FRIENDS THE NON HACKERS WANTED TO KNOW SOMTHING..............................................................U MAD ?

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Well dromag67 is not like bob there you see bob talks big but when it comes down to it he hacks over getting things legit and has to hack in ordear to play and did you really think he was working alone when i killed you at your camp and took all your stuff thank you for the 50 cals btw and the dmrs with the ammo to

hahaha you have no proof i hack faggot you kids on the other hand have a hacked weapon in your vehicle id like to hear the story behind that if you have one..and its funny someone was camping our base across the map in a random spot like 10 minutes after we raided your stupid guba base but its ok, and yes ive been aware hes not alone i also know dromag is a little girl who wont join the game and sit in lobby until one of his buddies joins.

OHH AND MY FRIENDS THE NON HACKERS WANTED TO KNOW SOMTHING..............................................................U MAD ?

lol you think im mad over as50s and a couple dmrs? i wouldve given those to you if you had just asked you have no idea what we got stock piled.

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Bob doesn't hack lol. We drove around and raided crashed helis for a couple days and had lots of stuff stock piled from that, and a few camps we raided. You guys were the ones with hacked weapons (stuff that's not even IN dayz) at your base.

The first time we ever ran into you guys we saw 3 of you at starry and I sniped umad, yuna and dromag instantly DC and server hopped to flank bob dole. Classy.

We found your little guba base a few days before you hit us at our base above petro. We didn't touch anything because we didn't need an ATV or tractor and we figured we would wait until the base was ripe to hit. After you raided our base we went to gub to take the ATV and tractor to search for you (we didn't know it was your base) and found all our stuff waiting for us so we just camped and killed dromag. Nobody came in so we left 2 people there to watch for the rest of u guys to spawn in. We drove the vehicles to a totally random spot in the west which we had never been to before and went back for the last vehicle and to pick up our snipers, that's when 3 of u spawned in, Bob killed one and died. Yuna lagged out and umad was still in. When bob died I stopped heading there and went right to the coast to pick him up, and we drove right to our new 1 hour old base to find you guys already waiting for us. What a joke. None of you were even in the server when we drove out of the north east to see what direction we were going, and you find us in an hour after we killed 2 of you... Yeah, ok.

Calling us hackers, good joke.

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the best part of the joke is that not only us but you guys too..........were both being idiots and calling eachother hackers as to bob dole calling me a kid just shows your lack of imagination believing that your talking to children now we have me yuna umad and dromag now we dont hack adn then there is Bob and thrash saying you guys dont hack so lets figure it out neither of us hack so beautiful also to you bob about no idea what you have im pretty sure i could guess via the games possible loot spawn so how about it guys......................................... lets end this petty d1ck measuring contest

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Quote " Bob Dole Say's "i also know dromag is a little girl who wont join the game and sit in lobby until one of his buddies joins. ...........

^^^^^^ YOU Realize you sound like a Moron With this Right? ^^^^^^^^

Edited by B1RDMAN_JR

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lol you think im mad over as50s and a couple dmrs? i wouldve given those to you if you had just asked you have no idea what we got stock piled.

i highly doubt that if i asked for a AS50 you would give one seriously ive been shot in this game for less

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Quote " Bob Dole Say's "i also know dromag is a little girl who wont join the game and sit in lobby until one of his buddies joins. ...........

^^^^^^ YOU Realize you sound like a Moron With this Right? ^^^^^^^^

are you saying its stupid to play this game alone? cause thats a joke unless youre scared aka a little girl like dromag he cant even reply to me himself he has to get his girls to do it.

i highly doubt that if i asked for a AS50 you would give one seriously ive been shot in this game for less

i dont like to shoot people for nothing you probably shouldve tried asking me for one as50 isnt that good id trade 2 of them maybe 3 for 1 m107

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the best part of the joke is that not only us but you guys too..........were both being idiots and calling eachother hackers as to bob dole calling me a kid just shows your lack of imagination believing that your talking to children now we have me yuna umad and dromag now we dont hack adn then there is Bob and thrash saying you guys dont hack so lets figure it out neither of us hack so beautiful also to you bob about no idea what you have im pretty sure i could guess via the games possible loot spawn so how about it guys......................................... lets end this petty d1ck measuring contest

id agree this is stupid and id be down for apologizing if dromag does too i dont appreciate being called a hacker by someone who doesnt know what hes talking about if he was down by the coast watching them and shooting at them he would know the story i was down there getting screenshots and shooting them the whole time

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also youre saying you guys arent hackers id still like to know where that hacked weapon came from also who was camping our base right away once we made it....alot of fishy shit happened that night/morning and im just assuming it was you guys and i cant see anyway it was legit...im sure dromag isnt hacking cause we had 4 guys surrounding him when he was connected at your guba base im sure he wouldve dced if he noticed us. you dont have to explain yourselves but im going to keep assuming one of you are hacking cause of that weapon and the shit that happened that night.

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are you saying its stupid to play this game alone? cause thats a joke unless youre scared aka a little girl like dromag he cant even reply to me himself he has to get his girls to do it.

i dont like to shoot people for nothing you probably shouldve tried asking me for one as50 isnt that good id trade 2 of them maybe 3 for 1 m107

no im not say its stupid to play anlone acctually its more intense alone and better if you record it as for the weapons in question i hate being shot for no reason ealier i was shot for nothing buddy shot the zombie we chatted for a bit on Direct Chat then he blew me away fully knowing i had nothing but i wasnt mad so i agree we should stop

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also youre saying you guys arent hackers id still like to know where that hacked weapon came from also who was camping our base right away once we made it....alot of fishy shit happened that night/morning and im just assuming it was you guys and i cant see anyway it was legit...im sure dromag isnt hacking cause we had 4 guys surrounding him when he was connected at your guba base im sure he wouldve dced if he noticed us. you dont have to explain yourselves but im going to keep assuming one of you are hacking cause of that weapon and the shit that happened that night.

now the weapon in qustion the hacked one. well the story i heard was it came from your base during a raid hence the post calling you guys hackers now why would we call you hackers if we were. Anyway i know hacking sucks like i went to NE Airfield once on US13 and got shot at and killed by a guy who spawned a AC130 so yeah it sucks all i believe is that we have both looked though the window and seen a different picture on the other side the truth is neither of us hack and if we did i dont believe i would go through this much trouble to respond to the messages now since we all came to the assumption my group and your group are hackers leads me to believe that they cancel out and neither of us hack Edited by B1RDMAN_JR

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now the weapon in qustion the hacked one. well the story i heard was it came from your base during a raid hence the post calling you guys hackers now why would we call you hackers if we were. Anyway i know hacking sucks like i went to NE Airfield once on US13 and got shot at and killed by a guy who spawned a AC130 so yeah it sucks all i believe is that we have both looked though the window and seen a different picture on the other side the truth is neither of us hack and if we did i dont believe i would go through this much trouble to respond to the messages now since we all came to the assumption my group and your group are hackers leads me to believe that they cancel out and neither of us hack

well we had 2 trucks not sure which one that is and that weapon was deff not in it i cant remember what was if anything but both were in the middle of no where so some random couldve put it in there or someone lied to you.

also are you ben?

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Wow this thread got some attention.

The hackers I saw were on like 2 weeks ago with jets.

Notice how I said "possibly" next to Bob Dole.

Someones buttons got pushed.

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Wow this thread got some attention.

The hackers I saw were on like 2 weeks ago with jets.

Notice how I said "possibly" next to Bob Dole.

Someones buttons got pushed.

i dont care what you said next to my name you including me in a hacker accusation thread and thats fucked up especially when i find a hacked gun in your vehicle just saying

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Bob, shut the fuck up. he said Possible.

Dromag, you need to get some evidence.


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Bob, shut the fuck up. he said Possible.

Dromag, you need to get some evidence.


mind your own business faggot

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omg.. this thread is so f*cking dumb... LOL I seriously would never share beans with any of you.

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omg.. this thread is so f*cking dumb... LOL I seriously would never share beans with any of you.

i will s the d for your beans

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This thread itself is so outdated, I didn't have fraps on when shit went down, there is no recorded proof. It was only for people or admins on at the time so that they could go into the server and see for themselves. There are logs, you can tell who spawned what when and where on the server.

If you are innocent you have no reason to even worry for a second. Don't get your panties in a bunch sheesh.

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