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Zombi 13x

About melee action

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There should be ability to swing melee when taking sidestep, it would be very very useful when dodging/fighting infected. When you hit with melee weapon, character moves forward...that is very annoying. If that's some sort of "realism" and it's a must-have, then at least add sidestep-swing too... and ability to swing without moving (when crouching for example).  Nothing more frustrating than not being able to hit infected with axe from top of the car without falling down.

Also... block/parry is totally useless. It should block at least some damage from infected.

Please, improve melee action... small step in code, huge leap in game. Even squirrels have more advanced fighting techniques than dayz character.

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Found after searching and want to add to this. 

As a newerish player (2022 was the first time I really started playing the game) , one of the biggest things right now that DayZ could improve on is its melee system and animations. 


  • Blocking (holding Shift while backpedaling) feels unfinished, almost like an exploit. There should be an actual animation, and it should have limitations. 
  • When an enemy is hit by a melee attack, there is not enough reaction so it looks weird. The sound effect played is not great, and it just feels like it needs some love. 
  • Requirement to hold down right mouse in order to swing with the left mouse button is super awkward. I kind of get what it is doing...it slows down the character's movement speed to prevent exploiting backpedaling, but there has to be a better way to implement this. 


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