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Storm Player was a hero

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Hey All,

Yesterday was my first time playing Dayz and it was great!!!.

I started on the beach in total darkness and was alone, I called out for help and then in the darkness I saw a light a glowing light a player called "Storm" was running towards me holding a flare, within the first few minutes he guided me through the game for about 30 mins our time was together short...too short a time. He knew a lot about the game and gave me loads of tips.

It was then we were ambushed by zombies and I was injured, and I was injured badly..... Unfortunately I was dying slowly and we had to go through this together he held back when I was walking slowly, and slowing down the team which had joined us (4 in total). I told him to go on without me but he stayed with me and protected me from zombies when my ammo ran out and I could barely see.

At one point I fell to the ground exhausted but he helped me up, even though I protested and asked other memebers of the team to mercy kill me and use the remains of my back pack, I even turned my back to them so they couldnt see the tears in my eyes, but storm was there to change their minds. Always looking in the buildings for a med pack, taking the dangerous path to try to save me.

Eventually we entered a town and I lost him and the others in the dark. I heard him die, I heard the others die too. I tried to distract the zombies from the corpses but it didnt work....and then they came for me.......and the darkness came again.

If anyone knows of this player "Storm" he was on UK5 server I think and had a UK accent this guy was a great guy and I would like to buy this guy a beer!

Paul AKA "PaulApril"

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Strangely reminds me of this song "Stan Righway - Camouflage".


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Charming story, I enjoy reading newbie experiences. Met a newbie the other day, though I fear I was in a foul mood at the time, and didn't help as much as I could have. Under my lazy watch he almost starved to death, was beaten to the point of shock, and broke his legs.

Now you know why all my goldfish never outlived their first week.

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