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What is the maximum height for navmesh generation

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The question is:
I have my own map, in which the height of the tirraine is 9000 meters, Zombies AI dont work on this heights, as if there is no navmesh, BUT, it is! Help...

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I'm still learning the whole Mod thing but I figured I would ask you something since I'm also waiting on replies to my Terrain question.

  Does your AI seem to work at the other altitudes, just Not at 9000m?  I would try generating another test map with a maximum height of say 6000m Or place AI spawns every 1000m until you find a spot that clearly doesnt work. 

You could also try asking on a map maker's discord like namalsk, barrington, chiemsee, rostow, deer isle, etc..


After cruising through many arma and dayz tutorials, I never saw anything regarding maximums in Navmesh -    



Wish I could be of more help, DayZ Modding is like solving riddles and Stories Full of Holes - But Still the Most Fun You're Gonna Have Out of Any Game!


Good Luck Don't Quit,

~ Terd

Edited by galesoffgrid

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