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You were kicked off the game. BattlEye (client not responding)

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Plz I need some help with my game. Me and a buddy of mine have recently been getting this error message and we have run out of ideas on what to do.

The error always appears then i am finnished waiting in que for a server then it brings be back to the mainscreen with this smal error-window.


Here is a list with things we have tried already:

-uninstalling and reinstalling

-deleting DayZ_BE and BattlEye folder

-restarting the router

-verifying cache

-adding "admin" to all dayz files

-using the "uninstall_battleeye" file and reinstalling

-joining modded or vanilla servers


We just wanna play this great game but can't for some reason. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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I also have problem with this.

Works fine on my main computer but I'm getting kicked all the time on my laptop.

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