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Game modes?

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Hey all.

I would like to see more game modes, how about having two teams..

Like one have military skins and the other civilian or bandit skins.

Would add a new way to play and still keep the tension when walking in to a town..

The team could build huge camps and use sandbags, tank traps and barbwire the way they are intended to be used..

I think i would be fun =)

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please use the search function... 2 days ago there was a thread with the similar title... and you described arma 2 XD

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Wreta, you cant possibly imagine what you will find! See, you will drive TANKS! Fly Apaches and A-10s. Or someone could pick you up at airfield with Blackhawk and carry you to Elektrozavodsk and on the way you'll be shot by Stinger and hell breaks loose and you are on a Black Hawk Down mission! But screw that - you'll be able to BUILD YOUR OWN MACHINEGUN NEST!!!11


Oh and about the skins. We have Russian Army, US Army, US Marines, Takistan Army, British Forces, Private Military Company, Rebels, Militia, Chernorus Army and vehicles, weapons, aircraft that all of them are using. God, we even have FUCKING AIRCRAFT CARRIER.

TBH I think people who bought Arma just for DayZ should be shot on sight. :rolleyes:

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