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Your funniest death?

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What's the most hilarious death you've experienced?

I'll start us off: a buddy and I are fresh spawned in Cherno. We split up in half, but we're in Vent together: I head toward the med tents and the apartments, he hits up the church, firehouse, general store.

Well, 10 minutes later, I'm crouched looking at gear in the TEC building at the north end of Cherno. The doors open - I'm just picking up a water bottle.

All of a sudden, this guy rushes at me, with an AXE and he's screaming in Direct VOIP "DIE MOTHERFUCKER DIE".

Turns out it was my buddy. I freaking lost it. Gotta say, if I ever get killed by a bandit screaming his lungs out in direct and hacking at me with an axe - hat tip sir, you can have my gear :)

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bleeded out at less than one meter from some bandages, quite disappointing

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Not my death, but it shattered my ironic bone.

I saw someone in Berizino who wasn't sneaky as you should be there IMO, I said to him via Direct VOIP that I was friendly, he looked in my general direction and started shooting. I only had a makarov, and he had some kind of AK I guess. But anyway, he missed as I was not in his line of sight, and got jumped by a lot of zeds. I just backed out slowly laughing my ass off.

And no I didn't loot his body, he was way to visible there in the open so I bet he had some overwatch.

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Making my way to Stary Sobor from the south, kind of fresh character but with a Lee Enfield at least. Check a couple of buildings on the way in. Draw zombie aggro. Ran to the large red warehouse, climb ladder to weight up options for escape while prone on the catwalk. Notice no zombies followed me in (pre-ability to lose zombie aggro).

'Maybe they are directly under me?'

*Push E to lean-look over rail....*

Derp-roll and belly flop to the floor. Splat. :p

All the way down my guy was horizontal like a plank of wood. Me sat still at the keyboard the entire length of the fall, like 'Wat...'

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Not my death but it was hilarious, me (day 3) and my friend (recent spawn) I sprinted from the NWAF to meet him, met up, give him a FAL with 2 clips then as soon as we could, I took him back to the NWAF to get him some more gear. We find a heli crash site, we find some ammo and such in the barracks, as we start checking the hangars I'm taking out Zed's with my Bizon, I kill one in front of a hangar and tell him to hide the body. We hear a strange sound three or four times then both ask "what's that?", we look up to see a pickup truck heading for us. I sprint inside the hangar narrowly dodging it my friend turns and tries to run. Needless to say, he didn't make it. A very unique first death for him, such is life in Chernarus.

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01:00 AM, liter bottle of vodka near gone.....

Met up with friends. Awesome friend is awesome and hands me a DMR and a FN FAL with NV scope. BROFIST!

We go to find a night server and join. I promptly hit ESC, RESPAWN.

Moral of the story, friends shouldn't let friends play dayz plowed out of their mind.

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I was in the apartments on the edge of Cherno looting away like a trooper when all of a sudden I take a shotgun blast in the back. My blood drops from 12k to just over 3 and somehow I managed to dodge behind one of the balcony walls (you know the ones that look out of the apartments.

My attacker was an idiot, and only shot me once despite having two shots. I dropped into a prone position and tried to hug a wall. Cue a 5 minute shootout with a distance between us of less than 8ft, but due to clipping and weird line of sight issues we weren't hitting each other. It was like something out of a bad 70's cop show.

In the end I tried to lean out and he winged me with a shotgun blast..but I should have gotten about 8 headshots from Iron sights on my M19...

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I've never had a funny death, but I did blow my buddy away with a revolver. He was on the other side of a pond with a zombie aggro'd on him. I think he was either reloading or out of ammo, but I took the shot. Killed them both lol.

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Ok so yesterday;

Me and a buddy met up in Cap Golva, we hit up literally every loot spot on the way to cherno. I was gasping for some liquid and could not find anything, luck has it I found 2 guns in very uncommon loot spots, ammo, maps everything needed for survival accept for drink.

I sprinted all the way into cherno, glitched out on some barbed wire at the market, passed out and some complete and utter noob stood trying to loot my body for a good 15 minutes, I got back to my body just in time to watch him get eaten by zombies then;

Disconnected from server -.-

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