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Stalker z Czarnobyla

Loot economy overhaul

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I've thought a while about how loot spawns around the map and I've found out that it's really odd to see certain loot somewhere, where it shouldn't be found. That's why I propose some changes:

I'd like to see some sort of differentiation between certain types of loot type zones, so that some stuff would be findable only in certain places of certain loot types and some stuff would be way more easy to find between 2 types of loot types in the boundaries of the same loot zone. What do I mean?

I mean, that on example Western military equipment would be only findable in military areas, that we could consider as temporary, like on roadblocks, evac sites, Tisy tent city, even trains or that Rify shipwreck.
Meanwhile Eastern military equipment would be findable everywhere, but would be quite a bit easier to find in permament military installations, like Veresnik, NWAF, Kamensk or even that unmarked military compound north of Krasnostav.

Proposed changes wouldn't impact heli crashes.

What sub-loot types would I create:
1) Military
a) military permament infantry: Eastern equipment, including weapons, ammo, attachments, explosives, protective gear (maybe add a new Russian tactical helmet with new Russian NVGs, which wouldn't be compatible with existing tactical helmet, which for me looks as Western equipment), clothes and other equipment (including wooden crates to simulate undurable equipment being stored there), small chances of finding certain civilian stuff (like food, certain clothing, sewing kits, duct tape and other irrelevant stuff)
b) military permament vehicles + industrial (for any places inside of military bases with warehouses, garages or roofs for vehicles similar to that of in front of camo building in Veresnik, judging by fuel tanks inside of compound it probably housed vehicles under that roof): everything from above plus oil barrels with gasoline AND a possiblity of plastic explosives
c) military temporary: Western equipment, including weapons, ammo, attachments, explosives, protective gear, clothes (yup, if you want to look like US marine, then stop loot cycling airfield) and other equipment. NO civilian loot, any Eastern gear
2) Police
a) village police: clothing, pistols, shotguns (please introduce BK-133 to civilian loot type, it'd be pretty normal for civilians to have pump action shotties), ammo for those and other gear
b) city police: everything from village police + Pioneers, Skorpions and gear needed to operate those
3) Medical
a) hospitals: around the same amounts of every type of medical supplies (blood regarding stuff + morphine, disinfectants, medication - includes epipen)
b) medical clinics: a bit less blood regarding equipment and disinfectants and no morphine, but more meds
c) temporary: a lot of blood regarding equipment and disinfectants, morphine of the same amounts as hospitals, medication rare
4) Fire stations stay the same
5) Industrial
a) utilities like water and electricity: tools and industrial clothing very common, anything else rather rare
b) civilian industrial (like garages and sheds): pretty much a bit of everything
c)  enterprises: building supplies common, tools and clothing common, some repair kits common, NO vehicle parts
d) car regarding industrials: vehicle parts and some repair kits (like epoxy putty, for tires or electrical) very common, plastic bottles with questionable liquids findable
6) Civilian
Here it's pretty much everything except military and police damage dealing equipment, everything of unquestionable legality.
Which means you would be able to find sometimes fishing, survival equipment and hunting equipment, which normally you'd find only in summer camps and deerstands, rarely medical supplies (except morphine, blood bags and blood test kits) and very rarely fireaxes (after all it isn't illegal for them to have splitting axes, so why not let them have fireaxes?)
Just some locations will have different stuff than others:
a) Supermarkets and shops: more food, but no ammo and no weapons (besides handguns), hunting gear very rare
b) Offices: little food, crap very common
c) Fuel stations: food findable, handguns common as they are now
d) Schools: food less common than normal, but tonnes of "school" loot like backpacks and clothing
7) Rural
a) farms animals (so barns): tools, various farming items like garden lime, repair kits, sharpening stones
b) farms other: everything from a) plus weapons and ammo for those
c) non-leisure summer camps: your standard summer camps we know today, so survival and hunting equipment, a bit of civilian loot
d) leisure summer camps and camps for kids: almost no typical hunting equipment, but to compensate a bit more civilian loot
e) deerstands: Solely hunting equipment, but in big amounts
😎 Coastal, aka fishing industry
a) boat wrecks: fishing equipment and bit of civilian stuff
b) boathouses: only fishing equipment, but more of it

Yeah, wrote quite a long article.

Edited by Stalker z Czarnobyla
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Its a great idea and im happy to see someone speaking about it. I believe that should be a main focus due to how bad vanilla servers are. I have to do major work everytime i start a new server and its not easy.  

With how many people complain about it you would think they would fix it.

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