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- FRESH WIPE 13/01 - Terminus [Loot+ | NoTraders | 1PP | Expansion | Cars+ | Weapons+ | Airdrops | C4Raid | Map | Chernarus]

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- FRESH WIPE 13/01 - Terminus [Loot+|NoTraders|1PP|Expansion|Cars+|Weapons+|Airdrops|C4Raid|Map]


Discord: https://discord.io/TerminusDayZ

Platform: PC

Region: EU

Map: ChernarusPlusGloom


We are always on and ready to help in case anyone needs it. Join the discord in case you need any help.

The server is mainly focused on Raiding, Base Building and PvP.

Airdrops are enabled to give people an opportunity to grab some high tier items, while also providing a place for people to look for PvP.

Traders are disabled, to make looting, raiding and airdrops more vital.

We do however encourage people to trade with each other (use our Discord). This increases player interaction and still gives people a higher chance to get what they're looking for. Killing someone you're trading with is not allowed (Same goes for ambushing)!

We've enabled all the mods and settings that we believe will help the PvP experience (Watch below).



- Very balanced loot economy. More overall loot than Vanilla, but still with a high emphasis on balance. Best items are very rare.
- No NPC Traders.
- Airdrop every 60 minutes. This ensures there's always a place to go for PvP.
- More than 150 different weapons on the server and custom calibers.
- Auto-Run (Shift+Z)
- Coastal Spawn Selection.
- Compass (I)
- No Stamina (for a smoother PvP experience and less traveltime)
- Party system (max 5 players in a group)
- Map (M) and (3d)markers + pings are enabled
- Expansion Basebuilding + Raiding. Explosives and Bullets for raiding.
- Many different custom storage items. Some are craftable, others are exclusive in Airdrops and Loot Chests/Keycards Rooms.
- We have 25+ different car models. Unique wheel-changing mechanic.
- Custom Map Edits. We have many different custom areas. Some designed for Basebuilding others designed for various other purposes.
- Saline Bag+ (To increase health, if you're not full)
- Ear plugs (P). Volume can be adjusted in settings.
- Treasure Hunt, Loot Chests, Keycard Rooms and Static Toxic Zones. We have a lot of different content on the server. There are always things to do.
- Info channels on our Discord where you can find info regarding everything mentioned here.

Edited by HatiHati1

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