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Just a little story.

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This is just a story of a victory for the little guys :) not a bragging thread.

At the airfield in Balota I had just climbed down the control tower after logging in. I headed around to the hangar closest to loot it before leaving and as I left the bottom of the tower I spotted a plume of red smoke in the distance. I thought that maybe it could have been an accidentally deployed smoke grenade until I looked to my left and spotted a gun barrel poking out from the entrance.

As I approached the played I noticed that he was equipped with a M16 and a grenade launcher; he'd set a trap. Knowing better than anyone that well equipped people cannot be trusted, I put two rounds from my G17 into his head. I looted him, taking lots of ammo, a new Czech pack and some food.

Sure enough, this guy was in a group of at least 3. They were all watching the grenade and after I looted him I went outside and got lit the fuck up. We managed to escape into the foothills and meet with our friends but it was one of the most amazing experiences I've had in DayZ.

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