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types of servers

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so my friend has a server and i wanna help him out currently it is extremely pvp focused with tappers and jug although jug armour is only findable in tier 2 key card location and up tier 3 and 4 it uses bbp you start with 100k and helis vehicles and other thing are cheap one thing i may add is the armour you can find is capable of taking multiple 50 cal round and 338lm and 408 but you can find Anzio's only in tier 4 key card bunkers 


my main question is what do players prefer do people like to focus on the pvp base building and raiding aspect or do more players prefer less over powered guns and armour and an easier chance of dying making looting and doing a black market run more rewarding and scarier high risk high reward kind of thing please let me know 

thanks for any input 

regards shadow 

Edited by death368yt
i miss wrote something

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