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sickness / body temperature

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few questions:

- 'temperature' in the debug window means body temperature?

- what does the top most symbol of the 4 on the bottom mean (hunger/blood/thirst and?)

- i ALWAYS get sick. few zombie attacks and they always infect me or whatever. (i slowly lose blood though i am not bleeding + the symbol i was asking for above gets somewhat lighter in color. i guess it shows the state of my sickness?)

- could someone explain how this sickness or infection or whatever it is works? antibiotics seems SO rare compared to how often i get sick.


oh and an unrelated question:

how come when i get knocked down and unconscious by a zombie when i regain consciousness my char keeps pulling his weapon over and over again until he gets knocked out again?

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yes temp is your body temperature. The 4th symbol is your body temp as well. It starts out at 42° C if it drops down to 35° C you will get sick and need antibiotics to cure yourself. Apparently you can also infect players close to you.

So watch your body temperature. However you should never really drop THAT low.

Factors that make the body temp go down:

Being outside during:




Factors that make the body temp go up (at various rates):

Running around

Being close to a fire

Using a heatpack

Being inside a vehicle/building

Maybe i forgot one or two but that should be the most important factors influencing whether your body temp goes up or down...

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thanks. is the sickness the same think like the infection from zombies?

any way to tell them apart?

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zombies cannot infect you. their is only 1 sort of sickness and that happens when your temp drops too low.

I did read somewhere that there is a chance of being infected (cold, not becoming a zombie) when hit by a zombie, but I am not able to confirm it or remember where I read it.

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I just got hit by a zed my temp was 42 and suddenly my dude started coughing :s

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Zombies can cause you to get sick. Also if your temp drops below 35c you have an increased chance to get sick, you dont get sick right away. Also, if your temp drop below 30 you will start losing blood and the icon will start to blink. Heatpacks will restore your temp to 42c in one go but cant cure sickness. Keep in mind that walking near/in water or diving a boat will make your temp drop pretty fast!

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What can happen when you are sick?

Your blood will keep going down slowly until it reaches a certain level (9000 or 6000, I cannot remember), you can keep eating to increase the blood count but it is a losing battle unless you can find some antibiotics quick.

I have only found 1 in my numerous lives.

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