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Former Echo Trooper

Newer player suggestions

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Been playing for a few months now and have a few suggestions. I apologize if I’m repeating anyone else’s.  

1.Reskin the jerry can tan, olive drab, or blue for a water can. The description could also state that it’s made from ABS plastic. We used the tan and OD in the army. 

2. Allow the addition of the knife sheath, canteen and an additional mag pouch to the back of the plate carrier. This would negate the use of a backpack. Again just like IRL.

3. Allow the camp hatchet to work as a throwing weapon, along with the combat knife, hunting knife, cleaver and bayonets. On the subject of bayonets, allow them to use the sheath. 

4. Reskin a couple different sizes of backpacks as medical backpacks. Have them color match the EMT suit. Include at least one tactical one for combat medics. Some of the medical infected could spawn with one that’s partially filled with first aid supplies.

5. Have some of the military infected spawn with weapons on the shoulder or in a backpack. Include some of the following, an extra mag, ammo, canteen, canned food, grenades, gun cleaning kit, etc. 

I have other suggestions but will stop here for now. Any criticisms are welcome. 


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