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How about a camo TRAIL CAM?

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First post / first suggestion from me.  I hope I get your format correct.


Input (A camo Trail Cam, becomes just another loot item)

Output (A recording, just of "events" plus 5 seconds before and 5 seconds after)

Tools (Either a Trail Cam by itself sat on the ground or sat on anything, or a Trail Cam and a rope or wire to mount it to a tree or fence (more hidden))

FailChance (1.0) chance of catching "an event" with a functioning battery up to maybe 5 days

Enchantments = To catch someone either pillaging your item or your base, or catch someone getting killed by a grenade trap attempting to pillage your item.

ActionType = A player OR EVEN an animal that wanders into the field of view.  Any action really, whether it is an explosive death or not.


My buddy and I have set up various bobby traps (grenades / bear traps) to kill / stop / slow those who try to take our stuff.  Just for fun.  We can always get more stuff.  But it would be exponentially more fun to be able to log in, see our trap has been sprung and be able to review the trail cam and see what happened.  In some instances we figure an animal might have sprung a trap versus a player.

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