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jacobnielson (DayZ)

Seattle 14 (Test Alliance) - Slayed by admin

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The title pretty sums it up. Me and my friend both logged into Seattle 14 (Test alliance) and within about 10 seconds were both slayed by an admin. This... just pisses me the fuck off. We were all the way up in the NW airfield with very decent kits. Spent about 8 hours last night gearing up only to have it ruined by an admin who decided to spontaneously slay us. We know it was an admin slay because A: We both just insta-died out of nowhere at the exact same time, B: my friend had seen them teleport to him. Can something be done about this? Completely ridiculous how hours and hours of work can just be ended by an admin.

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Read this; http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=26110

You were not slayed by an Admin' date=' an Admin did not TP to you. Stop blaming administrators for everything, they pay to host a server - why would they want their player base to die suddenly? Please, read around before you go crying wolf.


I understand. But, you have to understand how it was easy for me to come to that assumption. The location we logged into was inside a barracks so I had thought an admin did not want us "server hopping" and slayed us. So yeah, it was easy to assume it was an admin.

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It is also easy to do ANY amount of research before you become one more voice crying "ADMIN ABUSE!"

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It is also easy to do ANY amount of research before you become one more voice crying "ADMIN ABUSE!"

I read that thread but had misunderstood it. I had read it as they are not allowed to do it, not that they were unable to. My mistake, I apologize.

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