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More Admin Logs mod

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Hi all servers administrators!

Let me introduce you my mod to get more information  in ADM file about "what's going on" in game: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2805509362

Mod is server side only, no 3d-party dependencies, full "vanilla compatible", generate logs in human readable or json formats, configurable with options in serverDZ.cfg

you can find configurations on mod's steam page, and logs examples here: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164541

Mod not working perfectly, there are many things will be nice to add, but already now mod provides a lot of information about players and what they are doing.

feel free to use, hope it will help to someone 🙂

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Very interested for my vanilla server, was just about to ask if it was client oder server sided until I read that. Will report back!


Edit: No "raid" logs available from what I see, is this still planned (or possible)?

Edited by eZthetic

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Edit: No "raid" logs available from what I see, is this still planned (or possible)?

Good point. Yes, right now there is nothing can help with raids inspection.
Yes, I plan to add this logs also later (maybe on next weekends, may be faster if time will happen on working days)
original placements logs are already visible as ACTION_LOG (and building/dismantling should be too), but destroying items - a bit different story.
also I have plans to add animals hits/kill log
also not so much logs about cars and weapons/ammos/mags...
(and crafting logs I feel to tune)
more ideas are welcome 🙂 

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On 5/9/2022 at 5:11 PM, eZthetic said:

Very interested for my vanilla server, was just about to ask if it was client oder server sided until I read that. Will report back!


Edit: No "raid" logs available from what I see, is this still planned (or possible)?

somehow my last message from sunday is hidden, maybe I'm posting something not correct 🙂

so - check updates, "raid" and "basebuilding" logs are there now

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1 hour ago, abrakadobr said:

somehow my last message from sunday is hidden, maybe I'm posting something not correct 🙂

so - check updates, "raid" and "basebuilding" logs are there now

Thanks mate, will load it up on my server in the next few days and report back as soon as I can!

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10 hours ago, abrakadobr said:

somehow my last message from sunday is hidden, maybe I'm posting something not correct 🙂

so - check updates, "raid" and "basebuilding" logs are there now

Hey abra, just one more question before I'm trying it out, do the basebuilding/raid logs also provide info on who opens dial locks at what position? I'm trying to catch lock scripters but it's hard as long as they don't get hit/killed by anyone. Peace mate.

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4 hours ago, eZthetic said:

Hey abra, just one more question before I'm trying it out, do the basebuilding/raid logs also provide info on who opens dial locks at what position? I'm trying to catch lock scripters but it's hard as long as they don't get hit/killed by anyone. Peace mate.

yep. dialing codelock is action, so there will be logs in 2 groups per each dialing number:

1. few logs 


ACTION_CONTINUOUS_LOG - for actions executing continuously - so there will more than 1 log about this - all time when player dialing lock - this logs will fire
2. single log 


it will fire on "action end" - when player finished dialing number (successfuly or not)
So all together dialing of single number looks like:

13:07:52 | JSON{"event":"ACTION_CONTINUOUS_LOG","data":{"id":"190","name":"#dial_combination_lock","target":{"id":"2938253","type":"CombinationLock4"}},"player":{"id":"2940240","name":"abr","dzid":"EvAaSgrngIN9LQw75pWcanosnPX7v6i35CDuuU5cX6s=","steamId":"76561198164014338","position":{"x":11877.6,"y":351.614,"z":6562.09}}}
13:07:53 | JSON{"event":"ACTION_CONTINUOUS_LOG","data":{"id":"190","name":"#dial_combination_lock","target":{"id":"2938253","type":"CombinationLock4"}},"player":{"id":"2940240","name":"abr","dzid":"EvAaSgrngIN9LQw75pWcanosnPX7v6i35CDuuU5cX6s=","steamId":"76561198164014338","position":{"x":11877.6,"y":351.614,"z":6562.09}}}
13:07:53 | JSON{"event":"ACTION_CONTINUOUS_LOG","data":{"id":"190","name":"#dial_combination_lock","target":{"id":"2938253","type":"CombinationLock4"}},"player":{"id":"2940240","name":"abr","dzid":"EvAaSgrngIN9LQw75pWcanosnPX7v6i35CDuuU5cX6s=","steamId":"76561198164014338","position":{"x":11877.6,"y":351.614,"z":6562.09}}}
13:07:54 | JSON{"event":"ACTION_CONTINUOUS_LOG","data":{"id":"190","name":"#dial_combination_lock","target":{"id":"2938253","type":"CombinationLock4"}},"player":{"id":"2940240","name":"abr","dzid":"EvAaSgrngIN9LQw75pWcanosnPX7v6i35CDuuU5cX6s=","steamId":"76561198164014338","position":{"x":11877.6,"y":351.614,"z":6562.09}}}
13:07:54 | JSON{"event":"ACTION_CONTINUOUS_LOG","data":{"id":"190","name":"#dial_combination_lock","target":{"id":"2938253","type":"CombinationLock4"}},"player":{"id":"2940240","name":"abr","dzid":"EvAaSgrngIN9LQw75pWcanosnPX7v6i35CDuuU5cX6s=","steamId":"76561198164014338","position":{"x":11877.6,"y":351.614,"z":6562.09}}}
13:07:55 | JSON{"event":"ACTION_LOG","data":{"id":"190","name":"#dial_combination_lock","target":{"id":"2938253","type":"CombinationLock4"}},"player":{"id":"2940240","name":"abr","dzid":"EvAaSgrngIN9LQw75pWcanosnPX7v6i35CDuuU5cX6s=","steamId":"76561198164014338","position":{"x":11877.6,"y":351.614,"z":6562.09}}}

for dialing multiple numbers (3 or 4 depends on codelock and on "how long user will try") - there will be multiple of this actions logs.

there is id of codelock, so you can identify that player dialing same codelocks or different, and can identify codelock by id in prev/next logs
but.. as I understand right now - any id exists "per session" - on server restart and "recreating existing in game items - all items will get new id, until next reboot. (to identify this ids changing - you need to disable NO_WORLD flag and check logs on server start, when it creates all items on map - and catch them by coords/fences or something else (I still don't have ready algorithm for this)

There are player's coords also, with players identity (steamID, dayzID).
And if player dials successfully - there will be  ITEM_LOCATION logs showing codelock falling down as opened from #attachment of Fence to #ground:

13:07:54 | JSON{"event":"ITEM_LOCATION","data":{"tag":"#located","tagFrom":"#attachment","tagTo":"#ground","item":{"id":"2938253","type":"CombinationLock4"},"from":{"id":"2938248","type":"Fence"}}}

there is no any player information, cuz "codelock falling down by itself", but it will be easy to see it with previous actions logs ot identify it by id.

p.s. showing examples in JSON format, cuz doing my "logs viewer", in "human readable" format logs will have same content, just different formatting.

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