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Sling Courier Bags over Shoulder (Weapon Sot)

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Deer Developer Team,

as I watched a lot of post-apocalyptic TV shows lately, when I struggled with inventory space in-game I thought: wouldn't it be nice to be able to swing another bag over my shoulders like the characters in the shows do to transport more.

So I would like to suggest for players to be able to attach a Courier Bag to the weapon slots on their shoulder.
The designated weapon/tool slots on the shoulder are a great way to store ones clumsy weapons. But sometimes what you rather need is inventory space. To this measure being able to sling a Courier Bag over your shoulder - that is attach it to said slot - would be a useful feature. 

Especially in the early game new-spawns will need inventory space over a slot for a weapon or tool that they have not yet found and in the later game it would make it a choice between inventory space and a weapon. 

I also don't think that this would be unbalances as this would give 30 extra slots and even though most weapons have a smaller inventory space than 30, their dimensions wouldn't allow one to store the weapons in the Bag and have extra space. 

It should be only the Courier Bags (its variants) that can be attached to the side slots as these kinds of bags - aside from their weight - don't immensely hinder someone's ability to move and do tasks, as full sized bags do. This would mean that no extra/new penalizing systems needs to be implemented for the use of this as the weight can be dealt with as normal.

I hope you will consider this for the games future.


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The idea is interesting, but if the courier bag is put on the shoulder (it is now, in principle, thrown over the shoulder), it will be where the backpack should be (on the back). As a result, the backpack can no longer be worn.

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