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seattle 148 irresponsible admin

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Since I already wrote a thread in general about my situation ill link it here.


to sum it up. I logged into seattle 148. randomly started bleeding and got the DC symbol. so I tried to wait it out. bandaged myself. I wasnt even NEAR ANYTHING . I never even got hit!! its like someone hacked me and made my bleed or get the DC symbol. legit. it was dark. I was laying down in bushes. barely anyone was on the server. I never heard anything that could of been dangerous. just randomly started bleeding. went down to 5000 hp and got the DC symbol. so I tried waiting it out. and boom... I died randomly ... wtf? ... like someone just killed me.. didnt even get shot. its like someone typed a hack to kill me. legit not even kidding. 5 seconds later I got booted from the server.. logged back in.. booted.. logged back in.. booted.. server restarted. logged back in. booted again... what the !@#$? I cant even run to my body to get all my gear back.. I had an FN fal.. an AS50... alice pack. and all my miscellaneous gear.. all lost to some stupid BS that I couldn't of even controlled.. the server admin on seattle 148 needs to be confronted by someone in charge. this is totally irresponsible. Admin name is Jeb. Warning to not go on this server if you dont wanna lose your stuff.. countless hours of trying to get gear.. all lost.. I have zero incentive to play now.. thanks.

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Since I already wrote a thread in general about my situation ill link it here.


to sum it up. I logged into seattle 148. randomly started bleeding and got the DC symbol. so I tried to wait it out. bandaged myself. I wasnt even NEAR ANYTHING . I never even got hit!! its like someone hacked me and made my bleed or get the DC symbol. legit. it was dark. I was laying down in bushes. barely anyone was on the server. I never heard anything that could of been dangerous. just randomly started bleeding. went down to 5000 hp and got the DC symbol. so I tried waiting it out. and boom... I died randomly ... wtf? ... like someone just killed me.. didnt even get shot. its like someone typed a hack to kill me. legit not even kidding. 5 seconds later I got booted from the server.. logged back in.. booted.. logged back in.. booted.. server restarted. logged back in. booted again... what the !@#$? I cant even run to my body to get all my gear back.. I had an FN fal.. an AS50... alice pack. and all my miscellaneous gear.. all lost to some stupid BS that I couldn't of even controlled.. the server admin on seattle 148 needs to be confronted by someone in charge. this is totally irresponsible. Admin name is Jeb. Warning to not go on this server if you dont wanna lose your stuff.. countless hours of trying to get gear.. all lost.. I have zero incentive to play now.. thanks.

I guess i lucked out. Connected to 148 earlier, only to hear the prepubescent voice of jeb sound off over mic comm saying "Leave the server or you'll be banned." 2 seconds later i was banned, but left with my life.

Seems like they might using the server in an almost private fashion, killing or banning anyone they don't know. Pretty shitty

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WOW.... thats pathetic.. I didnt get any warning...

thats such BS .. someone needs to do something about that.. how was I suppose to know?

That angers me wow. I lost all my stuff to some arrogant selfish reckless admin? He needs to be banned. I didn't even recieve a warning.. This is so wrong.

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WOW.... thats pathetic.. I didnt get any warning...

thats such BS .. someone needs to do something about that.. how was I suppose to know?

That angers me wow. I lost all my stuff to some arrogant selfish reckless admin? He needs to be banned. I didn't even recieve a warning.. This is so wrong.

You weren't. Sorry about your gear man, i know that feel. I just wanted to chime in because i came across your thread maybe 5 minutes after they banned me, and that guys voice really pissed me off.

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Yeah. thanks man for sharing with me. Happy someone proved my suspicion. Frick that angers me so much. What a di#$ head. who does that?

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Yeah no kidding. Thats brutal. I spent so much time trying to find that stuff and someone can just sabotage my character like that? wow.

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that guy seems like a straight dick he needs to make it whitelisted but its whatever not going there

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Yeah I agree.. like how are people suppose to know? why is it even public in the first place then... ?

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I don't have any proof but...

Recently logged on Seattle 148 server looking for a home.

Got shot in a field prone, at least I think I got shot.

Tried to run to corpse server restarted. Continuing to run to corpse and turns out not being there. Find a M4 and a 1911 was like.. ok that works... Lost my Bizon... but at least I a M4. I had one in my BP on my corpse. So I got something back... kinda....

Continued north to find a nice place to set up camp, came across a UVAL (I think thats the name) a Truck. A big one. Filled with stuff and a ATV near by. Tossed a flare. No reaction from anything.... Some zombies.. So i thought nobody's home. So I was like SCORE! Drove off with it, it was all Green same with the ATV. (I checked) I am only me so I chose to steal the Truck.

After driving around using certain buildings and such to find the coast. I was driving north a long the shore. When i saw a flare or lights and a fishing boat. I then see smoke, and two ATV's appear and stop, staring at me in the distance.

I thought I should either jump out and open fire or say hi or something.

Before I could do either I was kicked from the server. I did not want to log on to my death so I moved into the trees on another server. Then went back. Hoping to catch some video. I was pretty sure I ran into the admin and he wanted my truck.

Can on to no ATV's and no truck. The boat was still there, and in place of my truck. Was a Car. All green... but not much gas. Maybe something is in the back. Car seemed to have no trunk? So I thought at least I have a car. So I went up north and found a tent I left behind with my old char. That I thought I lost. Server restarts must of brought it back.

So I logged off, and remembered the boat. I was like... I can steal that I guess. But now the server is gone.

I wish it was up so I can at least take my stuff from that tent. The car I deal without >.<

But yeah... I stole that truck fair and square! lol

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hahaha nice little story thanks for sharing. Dont quite know how much of that is actually relevant to our thread though. The things that happened to us were obvious character sabotage. Like I started bleeding randomly without getting shot or hit. Instantly went down to 5k blood. Instantly got a DC symbol for no reason. Instantly died from nothing after bandaging. Pitch black server. No gun shots. Nothing. Then I was banned.. a lot more of an obvious sabotage..

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Well, its another account of abuse, does not help the Admins character portfolio. So another page in his book of abuses.

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