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My First DayZ Hours

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So a friend of mine linked the mod on another forum and I've always been a fan of both ArmA and zombies, and I'd always been waiting for a good zombie mod for it and this looked really nice so I decided to give it a try.

I first spawned in Three Valleys, south of Solnichniy, it was night time and the ambient music already made me terrified of continuing so I had to turn them off. I've played enough ArmA2 to pretty much recognize every bigger town in daylight but that didn't help me much since it was really, REALLY dark. I decided to head north since I read here that it's less populated there.

I crawled the whole way to Solnichniy right next to the water, dipping in every few meters to make sure I was still next to the shore. In Solnichniy I had my first encounter with both zombies and a survivor. I saw a flare inside a warehouse on the other side of town, I got excited and stupidly started crouchrunning to it, attracting zombies. Then I just floored it to the warehouse, got in and said to my mic in direct comms "sorry man, I have a few after me". He was apparently friendly, at least he didn't shoot me or even point his gun at me. We killed the zombies, then moved out without saying anything else. Then he started using his mic as well, turns out he was british. We made our way to Orlovets with a few random incidents (first a guy runs past us with a flare and 20 zombies after him, then another guy ran to us with +30 zombies and chased us until he got bored and ran off again), and then the server crashed to I lost my newfound friend.

I joined another server and kept going to Polana in the dark, with a goal to make it to the NE airport. I looted a store in Polana, found an M1911 and some other stuff, then travelled to in to the woods on the north side, then disconnected and went to bed. The next day I came back on and travelled to Dubrovka trough the woods, looted quite a lot of places there before heading out to Krasnostav and the NE airport. On arrival the airport was quieter than I would've imagined from the forum posts (everyone says they are quite populated), but I managed to loot the 2 hangars and the tower without incident. Afterwards I looted some more in the town next to it, attracted a few zombies and when I shot 2 of them I saw around 30 more spawn in plain sight and had to run like Usain Bolt back to the airport, climb the tower and log off before they reached me.

I'd say this is an excellent mod. I didn't have a chance to play before the patch when the zombies were fewer, but I'd say this amount is right about perfect apart from the spawning mechanics. Would be nice to have killing the zombies actually have them stay gone for something like an hour or 2, instead of causing more and more to spawn.

Also, I have no idea why there would be around 4 or 5 zombies at a random deer hut.

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thats an awesome experience enjoyed the read ,

As per the deer stand im willing to bet somone either got killed by those zombies there and then somone looted his body and dissapeared it or he did the same thing you did run up the deer stand and log out before they reached him haha

Glad you enjoy the game !

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This is why I love this mod. As for the friendly you met, good job. I've had the misfortune of meeting only one player, and he completely ignored my presense and continued crouch running down some railroad tracks.

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My first hours were not as fun =/

First of all I've spent like an hour trying to connect to any server.

Then I've been sneaking around zeds,trying to find any enterable building in Komarovo.

It appears there is only 1

I went to the docks on the coast and I saw someone's legs through a hole in the concrete wall on the shore and thought "meh,a zombie,gotta be carefull" and then a sudden realisation striked me that legs were moving fast and I was hearing footsteps!

I immediately prepared for a gunfight,went inside,saw a player with his back turned to me and typed in chat "dont move!" while aiming for his head.The same second person flips on it's side and dies.I guess he was too busy bleeding to death to answer me or react,although I didnt see bloodstreams.I checked him out to help him and heard flies.

So I got x2 ammount of supplies right of the start while not beeing an asshole,I mean bandit.

I found an alice backpack nearby,and the second I've switched to it ,got all stuff from old backpack there, server went down."Ha"-said I-"I got my loot faster than you crashed"- and logged back in to find out that my backpack which had more than 15 items was empty and could not be opened.

I raged,but continued onwards.Found Lee enfield and because of it's loud shooting I had a small skirmish with 4 ninjazeds,nothing fancy...Got bit,but its ok!Im an "always be prepared for the worst" kind of player,so I had like 5 bandages to make it up for me beeing unexperienced with combat against zeds.So I stop and scroll mouse wheel only to find out that I dont have any bandages because they were in my magick backpack apparently.

A short spasm of rage has ended soon.I felt so helpless and shocked that I couldnt even write anything in chat.I tried to run inside the closest building,only to find that it is the same building where the first guy I've met died from bleeding.How ironic.

I went out and went to the pier because my blood was already like 900 and I knew that nothing could save me.I've decided that I will reach the end of the pier at all cost.I've dropped in the middle of my path but got up and I've managed to look at the grim,colorless sea and sky once more before firing a shot in the air in the futile attempt of letting anyone know where I am and then falling down again.

...It was unfair.And now its so cold.Its so cold and dark.Go away...

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