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Stalker z Czarnobyla

About fist heavy attack and some more

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Let's start with that fist attack:

I consider it to be too OP, that you can stunlock people so easily without anything, that's why I propose a nerf: 2-handed melee weapons shall be able to block any fist attack (but still only light attack of 1-handed melees).

And that more is about long firearms:

It's always frustrating, when these pesky freshies wiggle around like crazy and don't let themselves be shot and then they bash us with some can. I know it's doable to aggresively end their carnival of sprinting by buttstock bashing, but not always we have enough stamina to do it. There comes that idea: Did you see, how when preparing to throw a long weapon by pressing G character conveniently holds it in the front? Why won't it help us passively defend us from meleers with fists and 1-handed weapon? Just like 2-handed it'd help resolve fist trouble entirely along with light 1-handed attacks.

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