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To it may concern ligal ACT

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To it may concern

Name: Eli Hagage

Game is DAYZ

Email: Elibond@hotmail.com

Can you please send me your Contract between  Bohemia Interactive and https://cftools.cloud as they act in your behalf and collect personal info from computers


And ban members of game platform base on personal info

16:06:43 Player "Israeli_Sniper" is connected (steamID=76561197961555464)
16:06:43 [StateMachine]: Player Israeli_Sniper (dpnid 28630315 uid ) Entering WaitPlayerAssignedLoginState
16:06:43 Player Israeli_Sniper kicked off by BattlEye: Admin Kick (CFCloud: Access denied (CF:A:1))
16:06:43 Player Israeli_Sniper (28630315) kicked from server: 240 ( (Admin Kick (CFCloud: Access denied (CF:A:1))))
16:06:43 [Disconnect]: Client 28630315 early disconnect

But not ban by you

I will like to know your status with  Bohemia Interactive and how are you allow them to work and if there is contract that allow them to ban players by you (battleye ) or Steam or DAYZ game platform


Please send a full response within one calendar month. If you cannot respond within that timescale, please tell me when you will be able to respond.

If there is anything you would like to discuss, please contact me on the following number [1-780-6996881].


Yours faithfully
Eli Hagage


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