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Bandits are good

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Ok ive been reading threads for a while and i keep find threads about people trying to reduce player killing in the game by adding negative effects to people who player kill because they think bandits are ruining the game.

I dont think bandits should have any kind of negative effect for killing people. However, with this said i want to point out something ive noticed. Alot of people are saying that they are bandits when they really are not.

A bandit is 1 thing and 1 thing only. A person who kills people to kill people. They dont care about your loot, they dont care where you are, they dont care what you think. Its as simple as that. A bandit is a person who ,if they see you walking around 500m away at a bottom of a hill on the other side of the street, will take the time to shoot you and kill you just to do it. They will not waste time walking to your body they will just kill you and most likely walk away. Unless they saw you had something on you that they might want they may take the time to stop and get your ammo or gun or something.

Not many people in the game are real bandits, they are just people who happen to come across some unsuspecting person because they saw that person walk around a building, so they decide to tail that person and kill them because that person may have something they need.

These people are the problem with KoS incidents not the bandits. If a person like that saw that person 500m away at the bottom of the hill on the other side of the street. They will most likely make themselves more hidden and not take the time to waste a shot and risk getting discovered by someone who isnt really that close to them.

I wanna suggest a system that allows bandits to be bandits and kill and get some sorta bonus or something when they kill someone. But people who are not true bandits get a negative effect when killing another player (I dont feel like trying to think of a bonus or negative effect, the rest of you can add in what you want)

Basically, i wanna suggest you add a mini menu in game (kinda like the part where you choose Male/Female when you start) but make the menu accessible by pressing a button in game that doesnt already have a set function. When a player pushes the corresponding button it brings up the menu and asks if the player wishes to become a bandit and a brief explanation of what a bandit it. The player can chose No or Yes

When a player clicks yes it changes their skin to a bandit specific skin and they can get on with their game like normal and enjoy going on a killing spree. If a player dies they automatically become a normal survivor when they respawn unless they open the menu and choose to be a bandit again.

I also wanna suggest a way to not allow players to change to a bandit then change back from a bandit to a survivor. Make it to where the player has to clock 3+ hours of game play since they became a bandit before they can turn it off (Meaning they have to be logged in and playing for 3+ hours, not logged off and waiting). To turn it off they just bring up the menu again and select become survivor. This will make it to where someone doesnt just become a bandit to kill the person they worked with then change back, because it will force them to play 3+ hours before they can turn it off.

Adding this will penalize Player killing by anyone that isnt a bandit. Meaning it wont force people to work together that dont want to, and it wont force people who kill for pleasure to stop killing. It will just make people think twice before killing that random person who doesnt even see them.

You all can draw your own conclusions from this, add to it, take away from it, hate on it, love it, etc, etc. Lets see where this leads.

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