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Vanishing base construction

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I'm trying to set up a camp on my dedicated server but am encountering game-breaking levels of glitches:

  1. I am intending to create a fenced enclosure, with no gaps, using fences and towers. Due to issues with clipping last time I tried this I have modified the CFGGameplay.json File to disable collision checking and enabled this in the server.CFG
    			"disableIsCollidingBBoxCheck": 1,
    			"disableIsCollidingPlayerCheck": 1,
    			"disableIsClippingRoofCheck": 1,
    			"disableIsBaseViableCheck": 1,
    			"disableIsCollidingGPlotCheck": 1,
    			"disableIsCollidingAngleCheck": 1,
    			"disableIsPlacementPermittedCheck": 1,
    			"disableHeightPlacementCheck": 1,
    			"disableIsUnderwaterCheck": 1,
    			"disableIsInTerrainCheck": 1
    			"disablePerformRoofCheck": 1,
    			"disableIsCollidingCheck": 1,
    			"disableDistanceCheck": 1


  2. I place my fence/tower kits in a circle and begin to add logs to them
  3. As soon as I place more than one log to any kit it vanishes, taking the contents with it

Should I re-enable one or more of the above options? I have trouble following the logic between cfg commands and effects sometimes, but I can't see which would be causing the problem.
I see no trace of the activity in rpt, script_* or server logs, so apparently the game doesn't think there's a problem.

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