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"DISINFECTED" Tooltip issue

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Hello, i have a server that i play with friends and family. so not a big deal if this gets answered but....

Whether i use mods or run vanilla Dayz. The tooltips you get after hovering over items always say the item is disinfected. from bandage dressings to small stones to glocks and tshirts. everything says disinfected but it isnt highlighted in gray like on other servers. 

what am i doing wrong here??

also, nothing is actually disinfected lol cuz rags still give you the wound infection...



Since i dont know how to delete this. the answer was in a mod. the mod is a simple mod and useful as well. but hasnt been getting updated. so the issue is real but has no fix as of yet. 

Edited by N3RM0N

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Have you solved this problem? I also encountered this problem, which made it impossible for me to determine which items have been disinfected.

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