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Continous Admin Abuse in DE62

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I'm a player from the uk, playing late at night with my friend and brother, we thought it would be a wise idea to go to the airfield (nw) and attempt to loot what we could.. After this, we quickly moved towards the trees on the inside of the fencing to get a good look for our sniper to cover us, it was then when we saw about 4-5 GHILLIE suited players by TWO massive choppers and 2 fighter jets.. Although I didnt get pictures of that, I obtained pictures of the aftermath.. After our sniper took out all of the (extremely newb) players on the field, we moved in and looted all of the gear that we could find, there was over 4 ghillie suits SPARE, tons of gear, and tons of weapons which had CLEARLY been spawned by the admins. Earlier in the game I saw that one of the players / admin, '[RNG]Cory' kept giving access to other players such as Cocobear, Marathon and a few others, they was obviously a team.

After we flew out of the NW airfield and going to Kamenka (south) we landed to see what gear they had in the helicopter, we found all sorts of different loots, i'm afraid I still do not have pictures, but it was then when the admins TELEPORTED themselves to our position, spawned themselves weapons and began raining shots into us, luckily we spawned close and I was able to secure the chopper while they was away. We chose that it would be best to fly away into the far distant woods to seek security and see if this stuff is legit. It was then when we saw admins spawning DIFFERENT helicopters on the floors of the STARTING area's and attempting to fly after us with the choppers that have guns on either side...

We landed, checked out the gear, flew back to the NW airfield again, and there was STILL more gear on the floor.

I'm dragging this on for too long now but anyway, these admins were abusing alot on the server, spawning weapons i've never seen before and dont show up on the loot tables, so I think it's not legit........ and the fighter jets they was spawning was just ridiculous, there was even a anti-aircraft weapon spawned on the floor, like cmon. abuse more.

heres the pictures of the planes they spawned, some of the gear we didnt take, and... the gun that I picked up that I dont think is even allowed in the day z modification..









ye so..

this admin abuse is stupid.

non legit crap..

and meh- i almost had my hands on 3 spare ghillie suits then i died. ;(((

but yeah,- gg they got owned even tho they admins.

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How do you know they were admins? Could be any random players, and you failed to give any names.

Edit: and name sounds familiar... ever played APB?

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I've seen RnG Cory and Cocobear before on a chicago server. I doubt they were admins on that server.

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@mrepicgoat- if you look in the screenshots there are names that i've mentioned, there was a RNG clan with maybe 3-4 members and a +1 or 2 (marathon and another).. no i dont play apb.

@sheepbot meh.. they're cheaters apparently. ban pls

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