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Dedicated server hosting requirements

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Hello survivors!!! for the past 2-3 months and still up to today i am hosting server for DayZ using pingperfect.com. But i found it very basic. Only 2 core CPU in basic package with option to add core for 3-6 euros...i am not sure. Not every mod works with pingperfect!! I had performance issues.

So i am wondering if i should buy some parts and host my server on my own 2nd machine (not my primary pc). I already have some parts from other pc build which i can use. So the reason why i am typing this is to know how cheap on components i can go. i am aiming at max around 30 players on server at least for now with about 30 mods! Most of them dont really affect server performance. I am not even running DayZ expansion mod!!!

In my head i already build machine:

Motherboard: GIGABYTE H510M H     (around 63€ used in local store)

CPU: Intel Core i5-10400 + stock cooler     (around 170€ in local store)

mainly because of 6 cores and decent clock and actually its pretty hard to find good enough/cheap cpu in stock nowdays!!!

Power Supply: EVGA 750W Bronze      (already have)

i don't really care if it is overkill as my system probably won't need more than 200-300W but this PSU isn't currently in use so i can use it here

RAM: 2x8gb 2666mhz HyperX     (already have)

i already have from my previous pc

SSD/HDD: Not sure how many gigs i need for what. But i am guessing for game i need SSD to run the game on it and for other stuff like storage i can use HDD's? Right?

So i am not sure but i would go for SSD: Crucial P2 250GB (M.2) and for storage HDD: Seagate BarraCuda 2 TB 7200rpm

GPU: I heard GPU isn't necessary sometimes when running game servers. Well I am not sure if i need one for DayZ server or integrated graphics is enough

+Case Fans,Case (30-50€)



Is this build enough for DayZ server for about 30 players?

Obviously if i indeed need GPU to run DayZ server i can't go for it because of GPU stock availability and prices

Feel free to propose changes if you think i can get better performance/price



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I don't know if I can be useful to you, because I am not an expert in this field, but since nobody has answered you yet, I will try to give you a hand for what I know. If someone wants to correct and / or supplement what I write, if argued they will always be welcome.
From what I've seen on my personal server (the one you can download from Steam), DayZ uses almost only 1 processor core, although you set it in the configuration files to use them all. And it mainly uses the CPU. I have used an FX-8300 OC @ 8x4200 (water cooled) for many years and have taken into account it works with MSI Afterburner. DayZ is a poorly written and poorly optimized game. I've always seen only 1 core used almost everything... the others turn their thumbs or almost (if you want I can post the screens of MSI-Afterburner) and as RAM, the simple server without mod's consumed just over 3GB. The client consumes much more.
NOTE: I, on the gaming PC, had 22GB (scattered) and generally I put the "pagefile" to the minimum only to be able to save the "dump" file in case of crash. The first time I started the server it didn't work due to RAM problems... After several tests, I had to set the paging file to 8GB fixed (maximum and minimum) and from that time no more problems.
Then, I've never had problems in general (apart from the "usual" DayZ bugs), only the vehicles always go awful (and this disproves those who blame the net-code or the network performance, because I've always played on the same PC: server and client).
Lately I managed to upgrade the CPU to a Ryzen 7-2700X (at the moment at air with its heatsink, for the switch to water I will see later) and I see that DayZ always continues to use ALL one core while the others "sleep". What I have seen, however, is a slight improvement in vehicle performance (this demonstrates the poor writing and optimization of the game, especially in the vehicle department... as was known, anyway...) It only works for "brute force" of ONLY ONE CORE.
Try to optimize this, as I don't think the game will change anytime soon, as it hasn't changed since it came out.
I also use a "simple" Crucial BX SSD (S.O., drivers, programs, DayZ) and, as you rightly wrote, I archive my backups in a "classic" HD with "rotating plates" (in my opinion even now more reliable for data storage [and easier to recover from failure]).
I use a GTX-1060 6GB, but for gaming (and this too "sleeps" because in any case the processor is not able to send all the data sufficient to make it work as it should)... you don't need this for a server: any "basic" card is just fine.
On the "speed" of RAM, I do not argue because I have "general" but NOT specific experiences on DayZ. What I can tell you (generally) is that for some decades I have tried to make the comparison between "dual-channel" and "non" and the practical difference is almost irrelevant (try a "Super-PI" in the 2 situations and see from you the difference. Also tested with Battlefield, notorially CPU-Gluttonous and nothing changes. I have NOT tested with DayZ). The only difference that is known to me (but reading only and NOT as a direct experience) is that Ryzen gains performance with fast RAM. I have NO direct experience if that's true, I have never tested for it .
Of all this, my advice.
* - CPU first of all, the most powerful you can afford as G-Flops on "single core" (I still think some Intel)
* - 8GB should be enough and be left, if you can more it will never suck. I really don't know about the speed.
* - A (fairly inexpensive) Crucial BX SSD has always worked for me. But I've never tried an M2: I don't know if the difference is worth the cost.
* - A game card, just for a server you don't need a tube. With a server you don't play with it, you just need to view the desktop, folders, and configuration files. A powerful card in 3D is useless (if you don't ALSO use it for gaming, of course).
These are my tips, for what I know and for what I have tried.
I repeat that any addition or correction, if argued, is always welcome.

And... Sorry for my bad english, but I must use Google


Edited by Riddick_2K

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