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I'm going to start by saying this, to everyone on the DayZ Dev Team. Good job on what you have done so far for everyone on DayZ. I have a suggestion for a vehicle, somebody could have already said it before me. But if it is at all possible, it would be great to add at least one of these two vehicles. An armored Humvee that can be drivable, as everyone sees a ton of wrecks around both Chernarus and Livonia. You have the basic look for it down, and I know making stuff like that work is pretty hard. But you have already done such a thing with the M3S Cargo Truck. And my other idea is to add boats to the game. Like small fishing boats, I could care less about the Militarized skiffs. Something small and practical would be nice because some people do like making bases on the outer Islands of Chernarus. And it makes it a little hard to make these bases without a vehicle to move the stuff across the water. But enough about me asking about these stuff, I know you are all busy. I hope everyone on the DayZ Dev Team stays safe and healthy. I just hope you take these into consideration. Have a wonderful day, and thank you for reading this.

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