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To the Admin of Atlanta 33

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My group of friends and I have been playing on your server for the past few days and have been enjoying it quite a lot. It has all of the options turned on/off that we prefer to play with, and we all have great pings with not a whole lot of desynch.

But our only quibble with the server is that you don't give the players a warning when you are going to restart it. All of the servers I have played on in the past have given some kind of warning of when a restart is going to happen. Some as much as 20-30 minutes, others as short as a simple 2 minute warning. I thought this was a common practice to give your players some kind of warning so they can wrap up what they are doing and/or get to a safe place.

We have had quite a few of us end up in debug forest because we were in the process of looting or on a vehicle. We've also had tents eat everything, yes i am aware this happens quite a bit and i know this is an alpha and to expect bugs, which our group is more than aware of and are prepared to encounter and handle properly.

But I have noticed that when a server restarts and tents get empty, if another restart happens in a relatively short period of time they will almost always be restored to their full loot glory.

Like I said, I thought it was proper admin etiquette to give everyone at least a 2 minute warning or something. Just hoping to make a pretty good server a very great server.

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Agreed, I also got ported in to the debug forest and it deleted all of my equipment....

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We have been looking into a way to deliver a warning message before we restart, since none of us are very familiar with the server controls this has taken some time and our server provider was not very helpful.

However, yesterday we got RCON up and running and we will now be issuing warnings before we restart.

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DrHellNo, Sorry about the lack of notice before restarts, i've been slaving over the BI wiki trying to find decent enough info on getting an rcon tool enabled and only last night i managed to get it working..

As Greg said, from now on we will be issuing a 2 minute warning before restarting. The only exception to this is when we clearly notice that the server hasn't restarted properly (vehicles and tents haven't spawned etc).

In this situation the warning will be much shorter (more like 30 seconds) before restarting, this is just so we can get the game back on track as quickly as possible.

cheers, Oli

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Yes well your "2 minute" restart last night was about 1 minute not leaving my crew enough time to save the vehicles that they were on so they went poof. And everything else that was in our main camp is also just plain gone.

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It is an automated system, with a timer...perhaps it is not the length of time in question, but perhaps your perception of it?

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