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{PAF} Post-Apocalyptic Fraggers: Now Recruiting

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PAF is a small, core group of players. We consist of Bandits and Survivors. Right now we are looking to recruit more people for playing. Our servers mainly consist of North Carolina 3 and also a few other servers. We have a group chat for all of those with a mic. If you have any questions please comment or send me a PM.

(sorry this isnt a proper recruit thread, google chrome is being difficult so i cant customize it any, but there is the core information)

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I actually encountered you guys in Stary a few days ago. my friend was providing overwatch while i was raiding tents. he popped on of you guys, then was shot point blank with a M107. when I came up I terminated the PAF sniper, pissed myself over his NVGs. Then got into a firefight with one maybe two more of your guys. PAF got the best of me... Fun Times.

I haeen a Lone Wolf for the majority of my 180+ hours but recebtly started playing with two other guys, both of which are about to take a break (US ARMY Bootcamp). I was wondering if I might be able to run with you guys a bit. I hope you don't hold a grudge from our little shootout. IF anything I think that I have proved the contribution I could make to the team. I am mainly on NC 2.

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