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Mic cuts out in game randomly.

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Hi, for some reason my mic cuts out pretty often when having dialog with other people. I hear it from their side and it cuts out, then randomly seems to cut back in to finish what I was saying like 5 seconds later. 

I've heard of it happening to others but not sure what to do and I can't find any mention of this online. I've tried a lot to no avail so far. I have no internet issues, I have a good mic and keep push to talk activated long enough. I changed my push to talk key on discord (someone else's suggestion) but nothing. My mic is the default on windows. I don't have a noise gate or any post-processing effects set up either. I made sure the input gain was high enough and all of that. 

Anyone heard of this issue or know how to solve it? 

Edited by justice5150
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I had to make an account to reply to this. I have the EXACT same issue, where it cuts off and then plays the rest a little later. I have to try a fresh install of DayZ. I've heard it several times on other people's streams, and had other people tell me it is happening.

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