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The Only Hunter

Out of memory Error Dayz

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Hi, I've been having problems with dayz, where it has an "Out of memory" error.

I was playing normally when it started to show crashes and strange sounds even on my hard drive, but I restarted and it went back to normal when dayz suddenly started to show this error.

I only have 8GB of ram memory but I've always played dayz more than 1 year with the same computer and nothing like this has ever happened.

my specs is GTX 1050Ti  Intel core i5 3rd generation and 8GB RAM Memory

obs: I already formatted the PC (2x), reinstalled dayz (4x) I also changed the ram memory slot, I also cleaned the memory, updated the drivers including the own windows I also updated, and tested if it was working in other games like The Crew 2 and Battlefield 4 and it worked normally, but dayz still has this error (Out of Memory)

https://prnt.sc/24ehlpq error print


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35 minutes ago, The Only Hunter said:

I only have 8GB of ram memory but I've always played dayz more than 1 year with the same computer and nothing like this has ever happened.

And you are on the Windows platform which auto-updates over time and it probably became heavier to run. You were probably on the edge of barely working.
DayZ has 12 gigs recommended AFAIK.

2 things you could do:
1) obvious one, buy more RAM.
2) Google/Search YouTube how to debloat windows for less RAM use, but beware that some functionalities could be sacrificed in turn. This might not fix it, but there is a slim chance it could give you a slim chance for it to work.

Oh almost forgot, 3rd thing: increase your pagefile size, might help.

Best of luck!

Edited by DefectiveWater

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I concur. Had the same problem months ago. In my case it was GPU but yours is good. Buy more RAM. 8 gigabytes is not gonna work nowdays. Current standard is 16gb and its slowly being pushed by 32gb option.

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