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Spawned Item Condition On Server

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On my server, I'm looking for a way to change the condition of spawned items. I found a post that says to alter the 'damage' 'min' and 'max' in the cfgspawnabletypes.xml file, but this doesn't seem to do anything or moreover, if it does, only effect certain items, with the exclusion of wearable items and weapons. It appears that some clothing, weapons and military gear have their own quality settings, I don't think I've ever found a gun in anything better than 'worn' condition, usually 'damaged', and while I do find some pristine military vests, shirt/jackets and other gear, the probability of them being pristine seems to be less then other more common items. Also, I'm extremely interest in slowing down the degradation rate of times and the thirst/hunger rate of the player. Does anyone know where I can find a breakdown of all item and spawning variable or is some of this stuff 'hard coded'?

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Afaik, the changes you make to min/max values only affects new items spawned, not the ones already spawned in the map.

To clear the map, you have to delete the file that keeps track of spawned items. (Basically wiping the server)

I haven't tried it myself, just read about it, so if someone knows more on the topic, please correct me.

Best of luck.


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Another thing: I believe you need to edit the values in types.xml and not cfgspawnabletypes.xml. And as far as I know, the max condition of weapons is 200, not 100.


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