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Finally found the culprit to my low FPS

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Bad stick of RAM go figure. My girlfriend tried to boot up the system this morning & called me to say it just kept beeping. Well I know what that means, so after work I took out the sticks one at a time and found the little bugger. Now I can play at my native resolution with decent frames even though I'm down to 3 gigs now.

Guess it's time for me to get into this decade and buy a motherboard that supports DDR3. I could replace the bad stick but I think it might be worth getting a AM3+ board since the cost would be offset by the fact that DDR3 is so much cheaper than DDR2. Also I would be ready if the next generation of AMD processors is better than my Phenom II 965 BE.

Yes, yes I know intel CPU are far better, I'm just a cheap bastard :D

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AMD is better for gaming, specifically.


Anyway, why did this deserve a post in troubleshooting?

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I had a 2 year old stick go bad and was shocked that it was under warranty. Check and see if you can get a replacement, they will send you a matched set.

Totally worth it.

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