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Barbed wire

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I think it would be a nice addition to the game if you could use pliers to get barbed wire from barbed wire placed at military checkpoints for example. It would work the same way as getting planks from lumber piles using a hand saw. The reason I think this would be useful is that in the current state bases are fairly easy raidable even by a newspawn if he just is patient enough and cracks the code. Placing a barbed wire makes the base at least a little more secure against unequipped players. And since barbed wire is sometimes quite hard to find looting, it would be nice to be able to get it this way, too.

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I like that idea but it would make barbed wire too easy to get. Needs to be a middle ground.

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Was just saying this the other day to my m8 also be able to construct a barrier like it 

Edited by WYLDCHYLD6666

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On 11/17/2021 at 2:18 PM, WYLDCHYLD6666 said:

Was just saying this the other day to my m8 also be able to construct a barrier like me 

Oh yea and this, placing barbed wire anywhere like you should. That would be really good.

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