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Yan Thedarkone


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🔲PC platform

🔲40 player slot

🔲HostedRegion: New York

🔲Staff friendly: Redhunter, Koga, GustavMolotov, IAB_Willy_7

🔲Dedicated admins, No pay to win, No racism or hate speech

🔲Killreward system


🔲Dead players turn in to zombie npcs, carrying the dead players gear.

🔲Safezone trader

🔲Vehicle trader

🔲Blackmarket trader

🔲Raid Trader

🔲Radiation Zones

🔲The server is PvP everywhere except old town, old town is a RP/PvE Zone

🔲There are guards set in the pve zone in old town that are programmed to kill any player who tries to kill someone

🔲Heroes and Bandits Mod(What ever path you take will result of you as a hero or a bandit with your humanity results)

🔲Bandit ai with good guns and loot roam the whole map, they are hard to take down but not to OP

🔲There is a high variety of weapons, clothes, gear and vehicles in traders

🔲Helicopters sold at trader

🔲Slightly boosted loot

🔲Stronger mutants in military zones.

🔲Better gear in military zones

🔲Two main factions, green and blue with dedicated bases.

🔲Basebuildplus + Raid 24/7

🔲Boosted wolves and bears around the map, more common to encounter them in the forest.

🔲Random environnement events activate occasionnely(Not abusive)


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