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Poor performance on AMD 6700xt

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So as the title suggests I've recently upgraded from an amd Rx480 to an amd 6700xt and to my surprise the game runs considerably worse on the new card than on my 4 year old card. 

Is anyone else having this issue?, I can be in a building and look at one wall with 200fps and look at the other wall and get 40fps it's basically unplayable and big cities are a laggy nightmare. My old rx480 wasn't great when it came to graphics but I could constitly hold 80fps with this new card even on low it dips down to 40.

Edited by Piemanz
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It's like a plaque on AMD cards. Luckily developers have acknowledged the problem:


I had quite a long email conversation with AMD tech support. They just keep saying that latest drivers (21.9.2) don't have performance problems. Direct quote "I have checked internally and found that the latest 21.9.2 drivers are optimized to run the latest games with good performance on the supported older hardware as well the new hardware." Latest games sure but how about checking the exact problem I've described them...


There is also a feedback thread here:



So let's keep our fingers crossed that it will be fixed (rather sooner than later).


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Hi, thanks for the reply.

I'm glad they're looking in to it but if it's a problem AMD's end I don't suppose there's much they can do. I'm seriously considering returing the card and getting an Nvidia to be honest. When i've paid this much for a card I don't expect worse performance than the card I've just replaced that's 4 years old.

Edited by Piemanz

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I could very well be AMD problem but if their drivers "are optimized to run the latest games with good performance" and they are not even willing to investigate the problem, all we can do is hope that DayZ developers will figure it out. And if it indeed is AMD driver problem maybe they are able to convince AMD to fix this mess. 


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Yea I really wish I'd done my homework on this as dayz is the game I play most so I'm extremely disappointed. I'm not going to wait around hoping it gets fixed though I'll just return the card unfortunately.

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Hey guys, I am running into the same issue, but it just started today for me. I have a 5800x cpu and a 6800xt gpu. The game had been running great @ over 100 fps easy, but I had to reinstall the game today due to a loading issue and now I am getting 30-50 fps. I have tried changing graphics setting but it hasn't helped so far. I am not sure where to go from here.

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Ok, so I messed around with a bunch of different settings to see if I could resolve the issue, and found that disabling V-SINK in the graphics options menu sold the issue. Try it out, hope it works for you too.  

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Already replied on reddit but I'll just copy-paste the same here:


Here an AMD employee (supposedly) AMD_RetroB states that:

"iirc IP means intellectual property? Term get's tossed around a lot internally
sorry myself as well, internal engineering jargon. But usually AMD have major branch releases, for instance 20.4.2 was based off 19.50 and 20.5.1 is based off 20.10 which is on a different branch"

That sounds like a big change to me and could very well cause this problem.

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fixed low dayz performance and lags for amd rx 5700 xt! and it means for everyone!

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