1brainfix 0 Posted September 26, 2021 So im trying to modify starting gear on my new DayZ server. I was trying to play with this code but it gives me error on line Error: Parse error on line 365: ...} ], }, "SpawnHealthVa ---------------------^ Expecting 'STRING', got '} My SpawnSettings.json is { "m_Version": 2, "StartingClothing": { "EnableCustomClothing": 1, "SetRandomHealth": 1, "Headgear": [], "Glasses": [], "Masks": [], "Tops": [ "TShirt_Green", "TShirt_Blue", "TShirt_Black", "TShirt_Beige", "TShirt_Red", "TShirt_OrangeWhiteStripes", "TShirt_White", "TShirt_Red", "TShirt_Grey", "TShirt_RedBlackStripes" ], "Vests": [], "Gloves": [], "Pants": [ "CanvasPants_Beige", "CanvasPants_Blue", "CanvasPants_Grey", "CanvasPants_Red", "CanvasPants_Violet", "CanvasPantsMidi_Beige", "CanvasPantsMidi_Blue", "CanvasPantsMidi_Grey", "CanvasPantsMidi_Red", "CanvasPantsMidi_Violet" ], "Belts": [], "Shoes": [ "AthleticShoes_Blue", "AthleticShoes_Grey", "AthleticShoes_Brown", "AthleticShoes_Green", "AthleticShoes_Black" ], "Armbands": [], "Backpacks": [ "TaloonBag_Blue", "TaloonBag_Green", "TaloonBag_Orange", "TaloonBag_Violet" ] }, "EnableSpawnSelection": 0, "SpawnSelectionScreenMenuID": 1004, "SpawnOnTerritory": 0, "SpawnLocations": [ { "Name": "Svetloyarsk", "Positions": [ [ 14273.2001953125, 2.4000000953674316, 13053.2998046875 ], [ 14407.2998046875, 2, 13253 ], [ 14142.400390625, 3.299999952316284, 13290.2001953125 ], [ 13910.900390625, 4.300000190734863, 13624.900390625 ] ] }, { "Name": "Berezino", "Positions": [ [ 12915.7001953125, 3.4000000953674316, 9278.2001953125 ], [ 13057.2001953125, 2.299999952316284, 9584.48046875 ], [ 13052.900390625, 6.099999904632568, 9894.7001953125 ], [ 13207.2001953125, 2.299999952316284, 10193.7001953125 ] ] }, { "Name": "Solnich", "Positions": [ [ 13169.5, 3.0756099224090576, 7504.02978515625 ], [ 13274, 1.7834999561309814, 7258.81005859375 ], [ 13345.599609375, 1.8779300451278687, 6987.35986328125 ], [ 13383, 2.755160093307495, 6815.89013671875 ] ] }, { "Name": "Solnichniy", "Positions": [ [ 13529.5302734375, 2.251228094100952, 6455.61279296875 ], [ 13484.724609375, 1.7466460466384888, 5911.0947265625 ], [ 13515.912109375, 2.679647922515869, 6117.38427734375 ], [ 13534.671875, 1.6446690559387207, 6234.75 ] ] }, { "Name": "Kamyshovo", "Positions": [ [ 12321.939453125, 1.9261399507522583, 3446.666748046875 ], [ 12188.5703125, 1.7272900342941284, 3422.332275390625 ], [ 11992.25, 1.9820810556411743, 3404.554443359375 ], [ 11859.34375, 1.901515007019043, 3367.71484375 ] ] }, { "Name": "Elektrozavodsk", "Positions": [ [ 11099.068359375, 2.2976760864257812, 2735.5625 ], [ 10858.4130859375, 2.9117209911346436, 2328.290283203125 ], [ 10490.9140625, 1.8469020128250122, 1950.1484375 ], [ 9826.8857421875, 1.7118209600448608, 1757.3746337890625 ], [ 9428.4580078125, 2.25445294380188, 1826.218505859375 ], [ 9153.5361328125, 3.421117067337036, 1914.3006591796875 ] ] }, { "Name": "Chernogorsk", "Positions": [ [ 6044.10302734375, 6.429995059967041, 1871.5006103515625 ], [ 6220.4404296875, 1.917814016342163, 2101.123291015625 ], [ 7118.1220703125, 1.8241829872131348, 2533.971923828125 ], [ 7419.4970703125, 1.7683860063552856, 2576.50390625 ], [ 8139.25, 1.1517109870910645, 2802.3564453125 ] ] }, { "Name": "Balota", "Positions": [ [ 4654.59423828125, 1.4597179889678955, 2132.86669921875 ], [ 4543.99072265625, 1.9016389846801758, 2198.166259765625 ], [ 4269.4228515625, 1.28923499584198, 2245.660888671875 ], [ 4111.90576171875, 1.566264033317566, 2193.9326171875 ] ] }, { "Name": "Komarovo", "Positions": [ [ 3887.55908203125, 1.5955090522766113, 2207.158935546875 ], [ 3746.65576171875, 2.4453859329223633, 2199.878173828125 ], [ 3507.4228515625, 2.0086090564727783, 2101.45458984375 ], [ 3366.9853515625, 1.902521014213562, 2002.4140625 ] ] }, { "Name": "Kamenka", "Positions": [ [ 2164.7001953125, 1.7280139923095703, 2049.44384765625 ], [ 2031.4254150390625, 1.2907429933547974, 2150.743408203125 ], [ 1708.5230712890625, 1.9583090543746948, 2031.263671875 ], [ 1563.32568359375, 2.1741321086883545, 2063.2548828125 ] ] } ], "StartingGear": { "EnableStartingGear": 1, "UseUpperGear": 1, "UsePantsGear": 0, "UseBackpackGear": 1, "UseVestGear": 0, "UsePrimaryWeapon": 0, "UseSecondaryWeapon": 0, "ApplyEnergySources": 1, "SetRandomHealth": 1, "UpperGear": [ { "ClassName": "Rag", "Quantity": 4, "Attachments": [] }, { "ClassName": "HuntingKnife", "Quantity": 1, "Attachments": [] }, { "ClassName": "Apple", "Quantity": 1, "Attachments": [] } ], "PantsGear": [], "BackpackGear": [ { "ClassName": "Heatpack", "Quantity": 1, "Attachments": [] }, { "ClassName": "BakedBeansCan", "Quantity": 1, "Attachments": [] }, { "ClassName": "WaterBottle", "Quantity": 1, "Attachments": [] } ], }, "SpawnHealthValue": 100, "SpawnEnergyValue": 500, "SpawnWaterValue": 500 } What is wrong lol? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites