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ZinMas 101

Bad Experience on 1.14 Experimental (walls-bodies conflicts)

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Well I just saw a fully geared guy getting into a building, hit him with a shotgun I dropped him unconscious in a little room so the body was in conflict with walls and thats why im here.

The body just dissapeared, even his silenced gun was there because falling off. I went outside the building checking for the body knowing he was unconscious to finish him.

Nobody spotted around the walls, not on the floor... and of course not in the little room. Im pretty sure this is some kind of changes because the conflict with the bodies and walls, just to let you know (devs) is not going well in that way.


Guess how the history finish... while I was freaking out, the guy appeared from somewhere outside the building and killed me 😄 And it still pissing me off ❤️


All because... you know, DayZ things. Is like... what a fucking waste of time!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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