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US74 server's Admin banned me!

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few days ago the admin of US74 server banned me.... he made a mistake as he said to my playng friends ...... he said also that he would un-banned me but , until now, i'm out of game! can someone help me?

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They read the forums frequently. What's your in game name? That might help them figure out what's going on with you.

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They read the forums frequently. What's your in game name? That might help them figure out what's going on with you.

my name in game is [ExR] MiRk3tTo75.......... i'm waiting!!!! thanks!!!!!!!!!

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There is a mail address on the server motd, write there with your GUID and Silver should take care of you.

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There is a mail address on the server motd' date=' write there with your GUID and Silver should take care of you.


i don't see this mail adress... can you write it to me?


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This guy is a moron, and his friends aren't helping. Hackers are running rampant on the 15% of servers that Rocket actually has some semblance of control over, and he is bitching on the forums in official threads about an accidental ban. Everytime your bros login to the server they get the same e-mail address listed. For four or five days I've had to listen to Dirty Protagonist ask Silver Chair if he's gotten a fucking e-mail with your GUID.

Maybe you should play Hello Kitty Online.

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