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Sniper looking for good consistant group

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i am a Arma veteran with spelling problems who lives on the east coast of the US. i tend to do very well with a sniper rifle, though i am also good with pretty much any weapon. i am looking for a good group that works together on a common basis. dosent need to be a guild, or clan, or whatever you want to call yourselves but it dosent hurt also. i have skype and ventrillo, and can get teamspeak if needed. If anyone wants to group with me, and preferably not just shoot the back of my head, contact me, and we can work something out. i normaly try to play at day time, but i have also been growing fonder of night time. (Nothing is more enjoyable that sneeking into a building to see 15 zombies watching you:dodgy:, than killing them all:D.) also, unless i am jumpy, i dont shoot on sight. and then its only if your gun gets pointed at my direction. so if you see me, just please lower your weapon, and we should both be able to walk away without any bullet holes. hell, i will probably help you out.

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Hey dregor, we have a group of 6 players daily 12 max at the moment we play daily. Add me on steam cjust689 if you are interested

I have a group of two that play rather consistently (obsessively) add me on Skype: thetruewood377

WOOD if you're interested we could link up our two groups would bring our consistent strength to 10+. Steam name cjust689

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Hey i just bought this game today.So i am kind of a noob. But i would love to be part of a small group. And having someone to give me tips and what not wouldnt be to harmful either.

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