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Yan Thedarkone


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Hello everyone and come join ☢S.U.R.V.I.V.E - Z☢ Fresh wipe, no bug or lag, it's going great! With a community of 470 players currently active we welcome you to our unique server in its genre.

➡️for players who love real immersive PvP and extreme survival, join US

▶ ️ Cherno server name: 100xLOOT/PVP/AIRFIELDspawn/AIRDROPS/NPCS/S.U.R.V.I.V.E/B6hB6TfB5D


🚫No whitelist

🚫No Dupe

🚫No basebuild in the airfield

📸 autoban builds in the airfield

💰Bounty system

☣Radiation Zone in Tisy and bashnya:Rareloot, hazmat npcs and helicrashes

⌨Keyboard / Mouse

🚹50 players slot

🏴Raid Everywhere

🗺Group izurvive with all the special additions

🌅 Normal days / Fast nights

⚔PvP is everywhere on the map but mainly concentrated in the airfield ✈

🚗 Complete vehicles

☣Zombies loot boost and aggressive

☢Bears / wolves spawn town / village

🚩Factions Available to all

💰Npc or personal vehicle for donor

🚹5 player spawns around airfield

🛫Airdrops with rare loot

🚁helicrash with rare loot at each airfield

🏰1 Prison at the airfield for pvp

🗼28 airfield towers for pvp

🏡Loot house / building modify and improve

🗡All colored weapons, special items(Camonetshelter..) added to the server

🌋Bonfire at nwfa and novaya

👨‍✈️Npc in tisy and bashnya

Server owner and modder Red hunter https://discord.com/invite/B6hB6TfB5D


Edited by Yan Thedarkone

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